Chapter 49: Rest Of Our Lives

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After going around shopping all day with the kids and spending entirely too much money we had made it home around ten. Michael had not made it home yet though so I put all the kids to sleep and began straightening up the house, it was quiet, usually he would be there talking to me but he wasn't.

As I was whipping down the counters I heard footsteps coming down the hallway. I stopped what I was doing thinking it was Michael. "Mom? "

It was Paris.

I sighed. " What are you doing up? " I asked.

"Can I talk to you about something? " she said, giving me a sheepish smile.

I put the bottle of bleach that I had out back under the counter."What is it? "

She leaned on the counter a bit and began playing with her nails."Umm, you know how Mariah and Blanket is adopted? "she asked.

"Yeah what about it? " I asked suspiciously.

"Uh, is Prince and I adopted like them?"

I raised my eyebrow at her."No you are not, where are you getting this from? "

"Its just that I'm gray eyed and gave brown hair, and prince hair used to be blonde, you and daddy are black it just doesn't make sense."

I sighed. I knew one day they would have questions." Paris, Michael is your father and I am your mother, I have raised you since you were a baby, but I'm not the one you should be asking questions, I don't think I'm authorized to answer them, you should be asking your father."

" Why can't you answer them?" she asked.

I inhaled and exhaled loudly." Like I said, you'll have to ask him."

She had a touch of disappointment in her eyes. "Is he home yet? "

I shook my head." I'll tell you what, I'll tell him to come and talk to you before he leaves for rehearsals tomorrow."

She sighed."Okay."

I walked over to her." Goodnight." I whispered.

She smiled." Goodnight, mom." she said and then walked out the Kitchen.

I sighed. I hated not being able to tell them what they want to know, but Michael and I never talked about what we would tell them if they asked questions about why they looked different from all the rest of the kids. And I didn't know what to tell them considering the fact that Michael and I were divorced when they were born. And plus we hadn't talked to Debbie since the trial when she testified against him.

I let out another long sigh and turned off the kitchen light and then the dinning room light. Then making my way into the living room blowing out candles. "Hey."

I turned to see him walking in. I blew out the last candle I had." How was rehearsals? " I asked.

" It was good, I'm tired now though."

I walked over to him." You look tired."

He just nodded." I just want to take a bath and go to bed."

" You want to run you some water? " I asked as I rapped my arms around his waist."I haven't taken one either."

He gave me a weak smile." Sure, that sounds better then just taking one by myself."

I raised my eyebrow at him." Are you okay? "

" Yes, I just doubt I'll be able to go to sleep tonight."

My smiled faded." Your having trouble sleeping again? "

He just nodded.

" Well is your physician gonna do anything about it? "

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