Chapter Three: The Fountain

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(also dedicated to @AbbieJoyce21

I pull up to the side of the road and park my car, still trying to gather courage. The drive had taken two hours and I was already ready to leave and forget about this.

I look over at the trees and benches, the water fountain, sum running as always. I grab the keys out of the ignition and sling my purse over my shoulder, getting out of the car.

I rest a hand on the baby and already feel tears approaching, knowing this is going to hurt.

Whatever "adventure" Jason had planned for me has not started off very smoothly.

I pick the car and hesitantly start towards the fountain, my mind flashes back and i see the rose and letter, the letter that changed everything.

I dismiss the memory and start looking around for a clue. I look under all of the benches, behind them, on them but there's no clue to be found.

Just as I'm sure this was all just a joke that Jason had planted and that he was probably at home sleeping already, I hear laughter coming from down the forest path to my right.

Self conscious and afraid of being caught,I hide behind a bush and peek through its branches. I see a couple, .

The boy's hands are over the girls eyes as he leads her towards the fountain, both smiling and laughing. As he teaches the fountain he stops her and pulls his hands away from her eyes. Her eyes flutter open and she gasps.

"Oh Jonathan it's beautiful!"

"Not as beautiful as you, make a wish." The boy, Jonathan, says pressing a coin into her hand.

Her face seems to glow as she closes her eyes, mouths her wish, and flicks the coin into the fountain.

That's when I know where to find the clue.

I wait until their footsteps and laughter have faded away to go to the fountain. I lean over and search inside the fountain but see nothing but pennies, quarters, dimes, and nickels.

After my third round of inspecting the entire fountain, now feeling like a fool, I walk to where the girl flicked in her coin and sit down, going onto the ledge.

My heart skips a beat as my fingers fall upon a piece of paper. I quickly get down on my knees and peek under the ledge.

As I had thought, a small corner is peeking out of the stones. I pull hard on the top stone and fall on my bottom the stone in my hands.

Just as I do so, the paper comes free and starts to fly away from me. I drop the stone and run to the paper.

Unfolding it, my heart begins to race.

And this is what it says:

Keep reading to find out!!! :)

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 16, 2013 ⏰

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