Two Days, Many Changes

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The dining hall was loud and chaotic. Skye sat with Jared, Leon, Kayne, Pete and Bambi at a round table towards the back, near the door. Bambi had convinced Skye to change her clothes, straight from casual to black skinny jeans, a red t-shirt and a black leather jacket, with a pair of red flats. For the fist official dinner (apparently) students were expected to dress in a smart-casual manner leading to Skye feeling compelled to apply make up. A natural-looking layer of foundation and powder, eyeliner and bright red lipstick. She felt amazing, as though she actually fitted in with her new friends. Cathy wouldn't believe that Skye could even speak to a girl like Bambi let alone sit next to her for her evening meal.

" To students old and new," The headmaster had began at the start of dinner,

" I welcome you with open arms, to this establishment. As you know, you are here because your tests and records indicated that you could be a threat to our orderly society. We will fix that here. Thirty percent of you will become labourers, building our society-improving our buildings. Fifty percent of you will be sent to work in the army-protecting our Nation from outside forces. Eighteen percent of you will be deemed unsafe for our society and sent to Prison where you will remain until you can prove you are reformed. Finally, sadly, two percent of you will become wanderers. Sent to an outside island to build new lives for yourselves. Wanderers are the young adults who-in our opinion are either such severe threats to society that our prisons cannot hold them or are not skilled or smart enough to become labourers and soldiers." He didn't sound all that reassuring to Skye.

" Well that's comforting." Bambi muttered under her breath. Skye laughed before looking at the meal that had been set down in front of her. Students were required to choose all evening meals a week in advance, from a choice of about three. The meal sat in front of Skye was NOT chicken and potatoes, it was chicken, wrapped in cheese and bacon, with perfect, golden brown potatoes on the side. Nothing like she was used to at home. In Skye and Jared's town, chicken and potatoes was a small plate of mash potatoes and a tiny piece of chicken, usually quite dry. Jared and Skye's eyes connected across the table, both of them shocked by the quality of the food.

" What's got you two looking so scared?" Leon asked.

" Don't you think this food is a bit...fancy?" Skye asked.

" No...this is fairly standard at home...wait, you're from Penshi aren't you?" Kayne asked, Kayne and Leon were from the village next to Penshi but were clearly used to a much better standard of living.

Skye was confused for a moment, what did their town have to do with anything? Kayne clearly noticed her confusion and explained. " Well...every town has a history right?" Kayne began, Jared and Skye nodded, " Well, they might not have told you the whole history about's not exactly nice."

" What do you mean?" Jared asked, confused.

" Well... Penshi was originally a prison town. People there were mostly prisoners-had very basic standards of living. The word Penshi comes from penitentiary. I can't believe neither of you knew that." Kayne explained. It was true, history lessons at their local school hadn't exactly been detailed but Skye was shocked that they hadn't taught her the true history of her own town.

The group ate in almost silence, each one realising the true reality of their situation.

" Hey pretty lady." A tall, dark haired boy asked as he slung an arm over Skye's shoulder, Skye, feeling uncomfortable, pulled away slightly and didn't reply. " Don't talk? I like you already." He continued.

" Oh she talks. Just not to you." Bambi replied, physically removing the boy's arm from Skye's shoulder.

" Shut up, Goth girl." He replied, " You, give me a call some time." He said to Skye as he handed her a small piece of paper. Skye looked him straight in the eye as she screwed up the note and dropped it into her glass of water. " Feisty bitch." He snarled as he walked away.

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