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Harken glanced over at me, suddenly smug. “Ah, I’m glad your highness agrees with me…”

“Yes,” Loki said. “And first thing is first…you and Ondrea should get ready to leave for the ice palace immediately.”

Harken and Ondrea both looked shocked, and Harken protested, “What? Your majesty this situation…”

“Is quickly turning into full fledged war,” Megan said firmly. “And you two are not war advisors. That’s what we have my father-in-law for.”

“But your highness...” Ondrea spread her hands, trying to reason with them. “Surely you’ll need us to…”

“Pack your bags,” Loki snapped, and both advisors fell silent, their faces pinched and pale. At last they turned around and stalked off down the hallway, robes whispering over the stones. I felt my shoulders slump in relief. They were gone.

Megan rubbed her hands together. She began pacing back and forth. “She might as well have come forward with a declaration of war. I want the guards to talk to everyone. I will not stand for another traitor in the palace.  In the meantime, we’ll scan the countryside once more. They’re here somewhere.”

“First thing tomorrow morning.” Loki agreed.

A voice from the doorway said, “They’re hiding in the woods somewhere.”

Asher was leaning in the doorway, his voice was shaky. “They didn’t say where, but it’s somewhere nearby.”

“Asher!” Megan and I spoke at the same time and he waved us away.

“I’m fine, the wound is gone.”

Lettisha appeared in the doorway, supporting Charlotte. The sorceress looked exhausted, her face was pale. “It drains both our energy,” she said sharply. “Asher, back to bed.”

The women moved aside as Loki stepped forward, helping Asher back to his bed. He eased down onto the mattress with a sigh. “I do feel pretty tired.”

Charlotte sunk into one of the armchairs near the fire. “Someone send for food. The young prince and I will both need to eat very soon.”

One of the guards ducked out of the room, and the conversation resumed.

“I was hoping it wouldn’t end like this.” Megan frowned. “The rebels are such a small group…”

“Small and ruthless.” Loki’s expression was dark. “Kari needs to go.”

It was a bit shocking to hear him say that, he was usually so gentle. But I couldn’t help agreeing with him.

Megan glanced at me, expression sympathetic. “I’m sorry you have to go through this, hun. I know she’s your mother, even though…”

I shook my head. “No. It’s fine. It’s true. I don’t think there’s a lot that Kari wouldn’t do for her…cause. We have to make sure no one gets hurt. We have to...” I faltered.

“We must take steps.” Loki finished for me.

Asher pulled the sheets up over his chest and settled deeper into his pillows with a sigh. To my surprise he reached one hand out for me, and I came forward until the tops of my thighs hit the side of the mattress. He grabbed my hand and held on. “How are you feeling?”

I stammered that I was fine, ears burning. He obviously wasn’t keeping this…us…a secret. No one said anything though, and when I darted a quick look at Megan there was a smile tugging one corner of her mouth, like she was struggling to hold it back.

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