chapter nine

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I sat down in front of Alex and sighed. “Let’s just get this over with. I’ll tell you to confess to killing Andrew, you’ll deny it and make a joke about it. Then, I’ll try to get you to confess, but you’ll deny it again. And then, at the end you win and I tell the elders I can’t crack you- nice chat, I have to go now, bye.”

I got up and walked out.

 “Good chat,” Alex told me as I left. I walked out of the house and went back into the car.

“Home, please,” I told the driver. I was so tired and I just wanted to get home to sleep. I had stayed up most of the night because I had to talk with the elders about what had happened with Andrew.

 And I also had to wake up early for yet another meeting.

Yesterday, with Kate, had been a good break that I hadn’t had in a while. I wish it could have never ended.

But it did, I cut myself off. I sighed and started feeling a little dizzy. My eyes felt like they were going to shut any second, and I felt so weak.


I was walking around when I bumped into Nick.

“Oh, there you are sweetheart,” he said. I glared at him.

“You know I could just tell Kevin about you,” I told him.

He smirked. “You and I both know he has been working too much. And if he hears about you complaining over a little thing, don’t you think he would get even more stressed out?” he said. I thought about it.

 He has been working nonstop. He would probably think I was just a tattle-tale and get mad.

 Nick was right. I looked back at Nick with his smirk. “Fine,” I finally said.

His smile grew bigger. “You know what? I think I’d like to go and talk to Kevin about all the things wrong here. Let’s see, there are what, ten complaints I could talk to him about. I bet he’d get stressed out and just comet suicide,” he laughed.

 But what if he was right ?(except for the suicide part)? I shot daggers at him

. “You wouldn’t,” I told him.

 He laughed and said, “Oh, yes I would.”I felt more annoyed than anything. I can’t let Kevin have to do even more work.

 “Unless…” he trailed off.

“Unless what?” I said.

“Unless you go out with me,” he said. I sighed in frustration. “And what if I don’t?” I asked.

“Then, I’ll give Kevin a million complaints. I’ll make them up if I have to,” he told me.

 “Fine then, go,” I said. He smiled and turned around.

“I bet you don’t even know where he is,” I said. He stopped and turned around.

“He’s in the library, see I do know."

 Wow, that was easier than I thought.

 I ran ahead of Nick, heading for the library. I just had to get there before him to tell Kevin to do something about him.

 I could see Nick running right behind me. Once I reached the library, I opened the door and closed it right into Nick.

I turned around and saw Kevin sitting down in a small table with paperwork next to him. But before I could even think, Nick opened the door, which made me stumble.

Kevin finally looked up and saw us. Nick looked over at me. Seeing Kevin with all that paperwork made me do it.

“Excuse me sir, but can I just say-”

“Nick and I are going out,” I blurted out. Kevin’s eyes widened.

 “What?” Kevin almost yelled.

“Um… just kidding!” I said. Kevin looked relieved for some reason and shook his head.

 “Sorry, early April Fool’s joke,” I said.

What a lame excuse, I thought.

I opened the door and pulled Nick out with me.

Once I closed the door he said, “So we’re going out then?”I glared at him and nodded. He smiled and took a very noticeable step toward me. “

I knew you’d change your mind.”I kept on glaring at him and decided to just walk away.


I was about to kill Nick, but I was relieved when Kate said it was just a joke.

They had already left and I kept thinking of how weird it would be if she was actually going out with him. After that, I couldn’t concentrate on my work.

 I sighed and put my head in my hands. I have to stop thinking about Kate.

 Concentrate, I told myself.

I started reading the paper in front of me again. But then a picture of Kate and Nick together came to mind. What if she does like him? I heard once that he was a payer. Maybe he was trying to get Kate, and she fell for it.

The thought angered me.

Then again, maybe she already knew he was a player, but didn’t care because she loved him.

Or maybe-wait. I sighed and shook my head, hoping that for some reason, all my thoughts would just fall out.

 First off, I don’t know if she likes him or not, and second, there’s no way I’m going to be able to concentrate.

What am I going to do? I have to finish doing this work, but I just can’t.

 I sighed in frustration and dropped my head onto the desk, make a ‘thump’.

Maybe I just had to stay away from Kate. Yes, that’s what I’ll do.

Every time I see her, I feel so happy and get distracting. But if I don’t do this work, the elders could get mad and make me leave. I don’t know what I would do if I couldn’t see Kate anymore.

 So, I should just leave for a little while, just to do work.


 I packed up my things and decided to stay with my brother. I didn’t say bye to Kate because I knew she would think something’s up and get involved.

I told everyone that if she asks where in was, then to tell her I was in a meeting. Leaving Kate was my only option. If I didn’t do my work, who knows when I’d be back? But if I just leave for a little while, it’ll be better. I wouldn’t even be gone for too long

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