Can't Wait

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They took Mason away from me for a long time. Or maybe it was just a matter of minutes and to me it seemed like a lifetime because he was just born. I don’t really know for sure but what I did know was that I just wanted to see my baby.

As of right now, I was drifting in and out of sleep. Austin was sitting in the chair next to me, grasping my hand tightly. I could feel him watching me, and under normal circumstances, it would’ve made it hard to sleep but considering that I just gave birth and I was exhausted, it was easy to ignore. Not to mention it was comforting knowing that he was there and that he didn’t leave me.

Austin had told me that my parents, Scarlett, and Carter had arrived when I was giving birth and they were down the hall in the waiting room. They would’ve come in to visit, but they were given strict orders by the doctor to stay in the waiting room until I was fully awake. According to Austin, that didn’t go over too well with Carter of all people. He said that he threw a fit right there in the waiting room, demanding to see me. When he didn’t win the fight, he sat in the corner with his chin in his hand until Austin bought him and Scarlett ice cream to hold them over, which makes me wonder just how long I was asleep in order for him to do that. But I didn’t mind, it was nice of him.

I squeezed my eyelids shut and lifted my arms above my head, stretching out the muscles. I let out a sigh of relief that I finally felt awake and took in the room around me. It all looked the same as it had before except for one thing: Austin wasn’t here.

I gently pushed myself into a sitting position, scared that I would injure myself in some way. It hurt a little but it was bearable. It was then I realized how badly I needed a drink of water. My lips were slightly chapped and my throat was dry and scratchy. I looked around for water but I found none. I was about to press the button next to my bed to call for the nurse when the door to my room slowly creaked open. A warm smile spread across my face when I saw that it was Austin carrying a bouquet of flowers and a precious bottle of water. I licked my lips to try to make it a little better but it didn’t do much good.

He shut the door quietly behind him, obviously completely unaware that I was awake. He unscrewed the cap to the bottle and took a long swig, almost as if he was rubbing it in my face on purpose. I shot him daggers as he continued to walk farther in the room. I cleared my throat slightly, making him jump about five feet in the air, almost dropping the flowers and the water in the process.

I smiled a little, satisfied by his reaction. Once he regained his composure, he scurried over to me and placed the flowers on the end of my bed and the water on the table next to my bed. He wrapped his arms around me tightly and rocked me back and forth slowly.

“You’re awake!” He smiled once he pulled away.

I nodded, smiling.

“How do you feel?” he asked, taking my hand in his as he started to run his thumb across my knuckles.

“Water.” I croaked, glancing to the right at the bottle of water.

He immediately gave me the bottle, which I finished almost all in one gulp. Austin looked at me sympathetically, which is weird considering in a different situation, he would probably look at me like I was crazy.

“Sorry,” I chuckled, lightly hitting his bicep with the bottle.

He smiled and shook his head. “No need to apologize, princess.”

Mason crossed my mind, causing me to let out a small gasp, making Austin look at me in surprise, probably thinking I was in pain but I cut him off before he could even speak. “Where’s Mason?”

His face lit up like a little kids on Christmas morning. His eyes held a little twinkle and his smile went from ear to ear. “Do you want to see him?”

I nodded vigorously. Austin chuckled, leaning in and pressing his lips lightly to my forehead. “Okay. I’ll tell the nurse you’re awake.”

He heaved himself off the bed and walked out the door, shutting it behind him. A smile spread across my face when I realize that I was about to see Mason for the very first time. A few minutes later, the door opened again and Austin walked in, a nurse following behind him rolling a wheelchair.

“I’m glad you’re awake Miss Redfern, a lot of people have been asking about you.” She smiled as she began to unhook the IV’s that were stuck in my arm. I looked away as she did that, frightened by the sight of needles.

“Like who?” I asked.

“I assume they’re your family. One little boy in particular threw quite the fit because he wanted to see you.” she said, a hint of amusement in her voice.

I chuckled, “That would be my brother, Carter.”

She smiled warmly. “How do you feel?”

“Fine. Good. Amazing.” I said, practically bouncing in place.

I heard Austin chuckle at my sudden burst of energy as well as the nurse. “Well, you seem to be doing just fine. Why don’t I get you a wheelchair and you can go see your baby? Sound good?”

She didn’t even let me answer before she was walked out of the room. She was gone a mere two minutes before she reappeared, pushing a wheelchair in front of her. She stopped in front of my bed and helped me as I swung my legs out and placed my feet on the cold tile floor. I walked slowly over to the wheelchair and sat down gently, not wanting to hurt myself. Once I was settled, the nurse said it was okay for Austin to take me down the hall to see Mason.

My grip on the armrests tightened to the point where my knuckles were white. The hallway seemed to drag on forever and the only thing I could hear was the pounding of my heart.

“How much farther?” I whined, looking up at Austin who had a slight smile on his face.

He didn’t answer me right away and I was about to ask again when he said, “We’re here.”

My head snapped to the side, making my neck pop in the process. In front of me was an empty room except for about three newborns laying in a small crib. One was right next to the window, while the other two were across the room, where the nurses were tending to them. The babies across the room were noticeably crying, and you could hear them through the window as well. But the one laying right in front of me was silent, eyes wide as he took in his surroundings.

“Which one is Mason?” I whispered, but I already knew. The baby lying in front of me was in fact, my son. He already had small curls on his head, and his now blue eyes were wide with wonder and I wanted nothing more to scoop him up in my arms and tell him how much I love him even though he wouldn’t understand any of it.

Austin came and stood beside me instead of behind me and put his hand over mine. “He wasn’t crying when I came and saw him earlier either,” he said, “the doctor told me Mason won’t be in here much longer, and then we can take him back to the room with us.”

I was about to reply when Mason stretched his small, pudgy arm out in my direction, the only thing separating us was the glass window. Tears sprang to my eyes as I reached out and placed my hand on the window, longing to hold him in my arms. I felt Austin watching us, but he said nothing, not wanting to interrupt the moment we were having.

“Can’t wait.” I whispered, so quietly that I could barely hear myself.


A/N- Ew, I'm a loser for making you guys wait this long for an update. IM SORRY!! </3 I hope this chapter makes up for it because I love it a lot! So let me know what you think, okay? (: ALSO! Follow on Instagram! Ya know...if you want....13meetyouinparis <3 

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