Big Brother Is Watching You...

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  • Dedicated to He Who Must Not Be Named (cookies random dedication)

(Fays POV)

It felt like I was being watched.

Standing by the CD collections, I scanned my surroundings. As usual Barns and Nobles was filled with people, none of them familiar. I had decided to go there to get my mind off of Austen...and another thing.

After that scene with Austen I decided to go some place to think. I had walked to my locker and opened it, intending to just take a few books out before heading to the book store when I noticed the smell. It reeked like something had died. And what do you know? There was a dead kitten stuffed in the back of my locker.

It had taken a minute for me to comprehend that I was staring at a dead cat with a red ribbon tied around its neck...which looked like it had been twisted around. And there, on top of the kitten, was a scarlet envelope. Inside, it read:

A Present For My Fairy Princess.

Like the other notes I've recieved, this one too was cut out of magazine articles. As I disposed of the poor cat, it hit me. This was serious. I was seriously being harrassed.

I stared at the Cd I was holding, not really seeing it. Son of a bitch. Whoever was sending those disturbing notes had taken things too far. I mean come on, a dead cat in my locker? Someone obviously had a mental condition. The question is, who?

Who was sending me those notes... and that...present.

I knew that a lot of people didn't like me but why would they go that far? My head shot up again, looking around me. Again, that sensation of being watched like a hawk. It wasn't a good feeling. It was like every move I made was being monitored. I was totally having a "Big Brother Is Watching You" moment.

Whoever that son of a bitch was, when I caught them, there will be hell to pay. I didn't like being harrassed or make a fool of. And I certainly wasn't amused with their "present". I guess I should have went to the police...yeah...right. I've been to the police station too many times, they'd never believe me. They'd just think I was lying, bringing attention to myself. Bastards.

I couldn't tell my family. I wont chance them on getting involved. Whoever this psycho was...I wasn't about to let him get to my family. My mother's warm smiling face floated in my mind as well as Dean's stoic expression. No...I wont let them get involved. This was my problem.

Telling Luis would be a mistake, he'd only get rilled up and get Austen involved. Austen...

I sighed.

No, Austen shouldn't get involved either.

The only choice I have was to capture this psycho myself. But how?

I chewed my bottom lip. I had no idea who he or she was...hell it could be more than one person for all I know. I was becoming so frustrated that I wanted to pull my hair out.

I was so deep in thought that I didn't realize that someone was behind me before it was too late. A hand grabbed my shoulder from behind. It was an automatic reflex for me to slap the hand away and turn, intending to beat the day light out of the person who snuck up on me.

"Whoa, Fay, calm down! It's me!"

I stopped my fist from connecting to his nose. "Gavin!"

Gavin FitzPatrick held up his hands, staring at my fist that was about three inches away from his face. "Okay, karate kid, you can put your fist of fury away now."

"You surprised the crap out of me!" I punched him on the arm, "you dork!"

"Ouch," Gavin pretended to be hurt, rubbing his arm. "Sheesh Fay, violent much?" Than he grinned, wiggling his brows. "But than again, that was hot. You went Angelina Jolie Tomb Raider mode, that's pretty sexy stuff, babe."

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