Chapter 2 Not so enemified

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I get out of the car and walk to the front door. I push it open and walk inside leaving the ceramic door to slam shut. I then realise Janny is outside. I never shut the door while she is still outside.

Today wasn't the best day. I have to write an essay about Homosexuality. We lost the baseball game and even more, I made a new enemy. So much for being the easy going type, xander.

I try to throw my bag and kit on the sofa but it does not get there, instead it drops on the large blue glass table in the centre of the room.

Just then Jane walks in ''what's wrong Alexander and dont say nothing''. I could just say I am tired but obviously she would not believe me. She has known me forever.

''Im tired. Thats all'' I walk over to her and pull her unto me as I sit on the sofa.

She smiles and puts her hand through my hair '' you're my best friend and you will tell me if any thing is wrong right?''

''Right'' I say not sure. So what's up with you''

She smiles again before speaking, she's always smiling, and I don't know how she does it.

''I met an old friend and invited him over and I hope that's ok with you?''

''Who is-'' before I can finish my sentence, I hear a knock on the door but the door is transparent so I can see through it.

A boy stands there wearing a blue hoodie. His hands are fixed in his pockets. Jane scrambles up to her feet, heading toward the door and opens it. The boy enters and walks in front of me.

''Hey Xander'' he says 

''Hi?'' I replied slightly confused back, not knowing who this strange guy was. His voice sounds familiar but I cant see his face. I can't be bothered anyways, he is too tall and he has really massive feet,

You know what they say about big feet.

I mentally shake my head at the thought. Instead I look at my sister who is wearing a confused look on her face.

''Luca?'' I stand there and stare at him, confused. How does she know him and why is he here?

 ''Yes its me. Looks like we cross paths again, told you not to rely on the promise because as it turns out, we will continue to cross paths...'' he smiles, revealing a flawless set of teeth. Mine are better of course.

How can he manage to get under my skin so bad?

A punch would be a nice response in my opinion. But, I decide to play sexy.

'What is going on?'' Jane shouts in the background and we fall silent.

'''We kind of um...bumped into each other today janny.  No one else calls her that. 

I clench my fist and immediately loosened them in order to hide my slight frustration. I take a deep breath and get a grip of myself.

You met recently, yet you act like an old married couple'' Jane says as she tucks a strand of hair behind her ear and walks up to us. Take sexy back, scrap playing sexy. 

''Its like fate'' she whispers into my ear.

''Janny, sit down'' she is still standing there staring at me. '' I said sit down, NOW!''

This time she sits timidly and I immediately regret shouting at her. I can't apologise now, but I need a word with him.

''Come with me'' I pull Luca up to my room and push him unto my wall. I lean into him and press my ear against his ear. '' You might not like girls or whatever, but don't do any thing do hurt my janny or else?-''

Before I can finish he interrupts me '' Firstly, this leaning close to me thing is really gay. Secondly, I am bisexual so I am into both boys and girls and I can't do any thing to hurt janny, at least I don't shout at her and, you will do what?'' he leans in even closer that our nose almost touch.

I move away from him. How can he think I am gay? And how dare he accuse me of shouting at Jane. He wants to know what I am going to do.

'' Ill chop off your balls'' I spit out without thinking. What the hell did I just say??

''To cut it, you have to touch it so Ill look forward to it'' he says as he shoves me out of his way and walks off to the other side of the room before he continues. And that will make you gay, wont it?

 He scowls at me. I shudder at his words and my pulse picks up its pace as I think of the right response.

 Err... not really. Only I won't do anything except snap that 2 inch in half and it wouldnt and doesnt make me gay and then it will hurt wouldnt it? And then that will make you pretty stupid wouldnt it? I said, trying to bruise the big ass ego of his. Biatch

At least, you think I am pretty. His eyebrows creasing and a half smile taking an edge on the side of his lips.

Pretty and being pretty stupid are two completely different things, dont you suck at English? I reply sarcastically rolling my eyes as I move closer to him.

Actually, maybe a little bit he mutters quietly under his breath, exaggerating the maybe. But that doesnt mean you cant take a joke. I swear, Im only trying to lighten the mood a little, Jesus...

I can totally take a joke. Cmon try me, I am being serious, go on He moves closer to me. I didnt realise how close he was too me until he was only an inch away from me. I want to back away but I cant find the will do so.

His hand slides up my arms up to my shoulders making me shudder. I yank it off. He is going too far.

Get off me.

Indeed. You can take a joke Mr. Alex I despise sarcasm and no one calls me Alex.

You harassed my wonderful arms. Is that your idea of a joke? I pause then continue Xander not Alex

No I slid my arm up your arms, not harassed you arms and you think you speak English better?  He winks and backs away from me a little before he continues Alexander then, would you prefer?

Arguing with luca wont do me lots of favours so I better settle with any name at the moment. Yh whatever luca, maybe you can speak English. Call me whatever you deem fit.

ErmIll call you anything I feel like, whenever. He says pondering over his words. Who does he think he is? My dad? If he his trying to murder my patience. He is doing a damn great job.

Ok fine, now back to business. If you little as make janny drop a tear, Ill make you cry.

And how do you suppose to do that, Alex? he moves closer that our nose almost touch. I stay there not moving an inch.

Snap your balls in half of course

Thats getting old bro, something else, tough guy

ErrI ponder. I dont know what to say. choose a punishment then

Dont talk to me for about two weeks is he now officially mental?

Confused, I ask and how is that a punishment

He winks you have no idea how that would punish me, Ill miss your overwhelming ego How rude. I am starting to think he is taking advantage of me. I need a way to get rid of him.

what can I do to make you stop bothering me?

A mischievous smile spreads across his face you have three options

Go on, I arch my eyebrows

you could give me a hug every day

No next one?

You could help me with my drama practices

Thinking I might pick the last one I cross my fingers behind my back. last one?

We could make out right now

ugh NO fuck you

well, I wouldn't mind that .

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 01, 2018 ⏰

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