And I was right.

"Why did that perky bitch get head girl? Seriously." She plonked herself on down on the seat too close to me. "You don't like her do you Scorpius?" she asked innocently.

"Nah, she ain't my type."

"Good." She leaned over and bit my bottom lip. I could taste that she'd been taking Pixie Dust and pushed her away from me.

"What?" she sounded offended.

"I'm just not in the mood."

"Whatever mate, you're always up for it." Drake Zabini snorted from the corner of our compartment.

"Shut up Zabini."

"Oooh someone's a bit sensitive today."

The train was starting to slow and I couldn't stand it in the compartment anymore. I reached up to get my trunk and my Eurasian eagle owl, Athena. Yes, the Greek Goddess of Wisdom cliche,  but I thought it was a pretty smart name to call an owl when I got her when I was eleven.

"Awww baby don't go," Lexi was calling.

"Lexi do yourself a favour and stop acting like such a whore," I growled and went out into the corridor where I smacked straight into Rose Weasley.

"Oh look who it is Malfoy, didn't think your charm book included calling girls whores," she drawled.

"Weasley, what a surprise...well actually its not really. And no it doesn't normally, but it was called for." I smirked. "By the way you might wanna get in there-" I jerked my finger towards the compartment I had just exited "before Lexi gets her hands all over your boyfriend."

She almost growled. "That girl has issues, maybe she needs a knock down or two in a while." She looked at her manicured fingernails seeming rather bored.

"How close are you and Lily?" I suddenly blurted out without thinking. Oh crap.

"Excuse me?" she asked.

"Nothing." The best plan of action in this situation was to play dumb.

She stalked towards me " I'm not stupid Malfoy. You said something about Lily."

"No I didn't. I didn't say a thing."

"Yes...I'm not deaf."

"No...yes you are deaf."

"What? Fine whatever, but anyway, whatever you wanted to know, I don't know it because I don't really associate with those weirdos these days."

I looked at her "you do realise you just called your cousins weirdos right?"

"Yeah I know." She pursed her lips.

Then I realised that her lips looked just like Lily's.

Arghhhh hell, why do I keep thinking about her.

"I'm going now." I pushed past her before I could think about her lips - or Lily's lips any more.


The last of the first years were being sorted into their houses. I cheered along with everyone else when Henry Johnson was put into Gryffindor house but I couldn't shake this feeling that someone was watching me. I glanced around the great hall and locked eyes with Scorpius Malfoy who was looking right at me. I felt my cheeks warming and turned my head slightly so I was scanning the Ravenclaw table.

Lysander caught my eye. He was looking from me to Scorpius with an expression of confusion on his face. Suddenly he turned to Scropius and raised his hand ever so slightly so that he could see.

I think I'm in love with a Malfoy.Where stories live. Discover now