The day our kingdom became whole

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"Jess! Get up!" Ellie screams running into the guest room.

"What?" I ask rolling over as i look at her through groggy eyes.

"You have to get up! It's 10 o'clock." She tells me.

"Ok, I'll be in the in a few minutes." I tell her and she walks out of the room. I grab my phone to check if anyone had called. As i look at the screen i couldn't help but smile.

"Today is the day that you become my queen. I can't wait to see you later." The text from Opie read. I smile once again and lay the phone down as i walk out the door into the living room to find Harley on the floor playing with two motorcycles and Ellie taping away on her phone on the couch. I smiles as i run my hand through my hair and walk into the kitchen.

"Good morning." I say as i get a cup out of the cabinet to Clair and Juice as they sit at the table. "I though you stayed with Opie last night?"

"I went over there for a few hours then came home to spend time with Harley. I left one of the prospect over there." He tells me as he takes a drink out of his cup. "I'm actually going to head over there and make sure he isn't getting cold feet in a little bit."

"If he is, kick him in the ass. I've been through to much for him to back out now." I joke as i take a sip from my coffee.

"I'll sure will." Juice says sarcastically as he stands. "I'm going to go take a shower, grab my tux, then head over there and get ready for the wedding." He says as he kisses Clair on top of the head then walks back the hall.

"Well i guess I should get Harley ready because he is going with his daddy to get ready with the guys." Clair says as she stands. "Do you want to help?" I take a sip of my coffee and nod my head.

"The sooner they get there the sooner we can be ready for...."

"The wedding?" She says looking over at me worried. "Are you ok?"

"Yeah, I'm fine. I'm just a little nervous about the wedding."

"It's totally normal to get nervous about the wedding, it's a big day!" She tells me as she hugs me. I hug her back.

"Your right." I respond as she pulls away. "We better go get little man ready to go with his daddy." I say i follow her.


"Ok, Gemma, work your magic. Your going to need it to tame this hair." I tell her as i sit in front of her and are starts running get hands through my hair.

"I got it. Don't worry about it." She treks me as she starts to brush my hair.

"Ellie, come here. Ask Clair if she will braid your hair." I tell her even though Clair is sitting right across the room. "That way we can go ahead and get the flowers in your hair and get you in your dress."

"I got it!" Clair says waving Ellie over to her with a smile on her face.

"Have you talked to the guys?" I ask Clair and Gemma.

"I talked to Juice about a hour ago. He said they were going to get dressed then ride over to the reservation to make sure everything is perfect." Clair explains as she starts to braid Ellie's hair.

"Everything will be fine dear." Gemma reassures me as she continues to curl my hair.

"I really hope so." I tell her as she lets a strip of hair fall behind me. "I can't wait to see him."

"I think dad will look very handsome." Ellie says as Clair finishes the braid and ties it off with a rubber band.

"He will be the best looking guy there besides my husband." Clair jokes as she places the small white flowers in Ellie's hair.

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