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The fire lit everyone's faces, warming them. I never heard the air be so quiet before. Of course, though, Cassie had to stand up and ruin the intense moment we were all having. 

"Where're you goin'?" I asked her.

"To the potty room... Do you want to hold my hand while I go, too?" She asked, joking, and walking into the RV. Everyone laughed a little. After the smiles faded, Cassie opened their RV door and said, "Y'all got anymore toilet paper?"

We turned around to face her. As I was about to say 'grab some leafs', I saw a zombie walking over to her and bite her arm. She screamed from the pain and shock. Two more came out from behind the van. I heard more moans than those three zombie's could produce, but my main focus was on Cassie. Then, everyone started screaming, running away. I jumped out of my chair and started firing rounds into the zombies' heads; Shane and Rick did the same. I saw Cassie get bit by the same zombie again on her neck. I ran over to her and hit the zombie with my gun until he stopped moving, my head was thumping and my heart raced.

I looked down at Cassie. She was laying on the ground with blood gushing out of her neck. I crouched down to her side. I took my jacket from around my waist off and held it on her neck wound. "Nothing that a few stitches couldn't fix." I lied, while tears streamed down my face. Cassie and I survived this world together. How am I going to go on with out her? "Look up at the stars, Cassie." I didn't hear shots anymore. I didn't care, either. I just sat next to Cassie, with my hand trying to stop the bleeding and my other hand on her cheek. "Just focuse on them, okay?" I paused, looking into her eyes. "They're so beautiful. Remember when you told me how beautiful the stars were without looking at them, then it turned out there weren't any stars in the sky?" A smile creaked on to my face. 

Blood started to ease its way out of her mouth. I saw a hint of a smile. "I love you, Ami; remember: friends for infinity." Her voice was losing strength.

"Don't you dare say your goodbyes. All I have to do is give you a good stitching, then you'll be fine, I promise." My voice trembled.

"Don't make promises you can't keep." Her hand reached up to my face, while she was crying, too. It didn't make it though. Only finger tips touched my cheek. I saw the little life she had left leave her eyes.

I stared at her cold face for a second. "No!" I gripped her and pulled her up to me, covering me with blood. Holding her there, I wanted to feel a sudden heartbeat, a heartbeat telling me she was my best friend again, that we could go back to our camp and laugh. No, though, there was no heartbeat. My tears became faster. My breathes became quicker and louder. My head became dizzier.

*Next Morning*

My only reason for living was laying in front of me, dead, and I was dying with her. She was paler than her normal, Irish self. All her blood was on my jacket or on the ground next to her wrist. 

"Ami, she's gone. You gotta let us.." Lori paused, "take her. I promise we'll be as gentle as we can." Lori stared at my face, waiting for a response.

I didn't even look at her. I want to savour the last moments I'll ever see Cassie. Eventually, Lori stood up and walked away. I could hear skulls crushing and pants from tired souls. Then, the final pant and the rising of a fire when a body was thrown into it.

"She still won't move?" I could hear Rick ask from a distance.

"She won't even talk to us." Lori answered. "She's been there all night. What do we do?"

"We can't just leave Cassie like that. We need to deal with it... the same as the others." Shane said.

"I'll tell her how it is." Rick said. I could hear his footsteps. "Ami-" I cut him off, with my gun in his face.

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