The flowing night

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I sat watching

The moon staring upon the soil, lulling it to sleep

The clouds passing around the moon as if they were just stopping by

The winds tickle the grass as it passed through

I sat hearing

The coyotes crying to the moon

The owls getting ready for the hunt

The pitter patter of the foxes as they softly caressed the ground

I sat smelling

The dew gathering for the people of the morning to see

The iron ore in the dirt as if it had just rained

The lavender floating along the breeze, as if it was waltzing with it

I sat feel-ling

The softness of some Bermuda grass

The hard soil underneath

And finally the do slowly coming up, threatening to cover me along with the grass

Now if you do the same

You will feel your mind expand with further knowledge of what surrounds you

You will see that nothing goes bump in the dark

You will hear that all sounds never go unheard, just unnoticed

You will smell that everything begins again at night

And most of all that your life will never be the same

Poems from a simmering soulWhere stories live. Discover now