Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

My heart hammered against my chest, tattooing fear into my ribs. The sharp breaths I took only added to my pain as the frigid air captivated my lungs. My legs burnt from the sudden burst of exercise and the muscles strained to keep going. I kept glancing back every so often to make sure no one was following me.

A large forest appeared at the end of the road and, although it usually looked dark and uninviting, I couldn't stop myself from making my way into its shadowy depths. The midday sun was shielded by the canopies of the trees and so little light was making its way down to the small dirt path I was running along. The absence of light caused me to miss the roots of the fallen tree up ahead and my foot got caught. I tumbled down to the ground, scraping my leg on a skeletal fingermaking its way under ground.

I tried to push myself up from the floor, but my legs were unable to move, still numb from the effort of running.

I don't know how many times I tried to pull myself up and before I knew it, a chilling breeze had set in, causing me to huddle into a ball to keep warm. Needing to contact someone, I pulled out my phone, ignoring the 32 missed calls and the 20 text messages, and scrolled down the very small contact list I had saved on it. There was little use in trying, the only contacts I had were Dad and Jess, who would both come and find me with him, and Chris, who would be working now anyway so he couldn't come and get me either. Glancing at the time on my phone I gasped.


Looking around for the first time, I realised that the warm blanket of the sun's rays were indeed beginning to fade, leaving me alone and cold deep within the forest.

I groaned loudly and shoved my phone back into my pocket, scraping my hand on a piece of card. Bemusement cloudy my vision as I tried to remember where it had come from. The card seemed to have a number on it for someone called Emily. I racked my brain to remember who Emily was and why I had her number.

The light was fading fast as I replayed the events that had happened today, with Jess.

That was it! Emily was the woman who asked if I was ok. She said she had been through the same thing as me, although I was quite puzzled as to how she knew what I had been through.

Droplets of rain began to fall as I dialed Emily's number. She was the only one who could help me.

The dial tone sounded and it felt like a lifetime before she picked.

"Hello Emily Lovelock speaking."

"Emily!" I gushed, " sorry to bother you but you said that I could ring you if I ever needed your help and I need it now, really badly."

"Whoa! Slow down. First off tell me your name."

"Right yeah sorry. It's Chrissie from the DVD shop." I replied.

"Oh Chrissie, yes I remember. Ok so what's wrong?"

"I'm stuck in the middle of the forest and my legs are to numb to move" I began to sob.

"Ok hun calm down can you not get hold of your parents or your friend you were wit earlier?"

"N-n-no I-I can't call them. They c-can't come!"

"Alright tell me which forest and I will be there as soon as I can." She replied.

I told her the directions to my house from hers and told her to follow the road down until she came to the forest.

"T-thank you Emily" I stuttered through the tears that were now beginning to slow.

"No problem I said I was here to help you did I not? Now I will be there in 10 minutes"

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