Chapter Six: Snap!

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A/N: Picture is Hinata in his swimsuit, obviously.


Hinata sat on a small rock, eating ice cream and watching as the models lined up to have their pictures taken. He didn't see how they could have fun being bossed about by a photographer but he supposes that using good looks is an easy way to make money.

Sayuri looks gorgeous, Hinata thinks, in her blue bikini. He was surprised when she invited him to come to the beach with her for this modelling thing. She said that she always brought a friend with her because it helped her battle the shyness and lack of self confidence. The friend she usually brings with her is Miko but in light of recent events, she asked Hinata instead.

He didn't have any knowledge what so ever about modelling but he was glad to help his friend. That and the ice cream they had is delicious.

Smiling to himself, Hinata licks his ice cream again. After this, he'd go swimming. He probably shouldn't eat just before but he didn't really care. Besides, he's already changed into his swim shorts (a light blue pair with stars on) so he has to go swimming.

A flash suddenly blinds him.

"Snap!" Sayuri giggles, suddenly appearing with a camera.

Hinata whines and shields his face, almost smothering himself with ice cream. "Nooo, Sayu! You're the one who is meant to have their picture taken."

"I'm in the last group and I'm bored!" She complains, large smile on her face.

Hinata always loved how Sayuri, one of the shyest, most easily embarrassed girls on the planet, would open up and act silly like this with her close friends. It made him feel special to know he was one of the few people she felt comfortable around. Of course, it wasn't number one on his list of things that made him feel special. That spot had to be, without a doubt, for his and Kageyama's 'freak' quick. He'd never been able to accurately describe how special that makes him feel.

"What are you thinking about?" Sayuri asks, sitting beside him on the rock.

"Oh... Um. Volleyball."

She laughs gently. "That explains the ridiculously happy face." Her face suddenly lights up in realisation. "Oh! That reminds me. I saw Kageyama-kun yesterday. He was sitting up there." Sayuri twists and points up at the highest rocks.

Hinata looks up where she's pointing before he looks back to her with widened eyes. "Kageyama's here?!"

She nods before pausing. "Why do you look scared?"

"He asked me to take a trip with him this bank holiday! I said no. If he sees me, he'll thinks I ditched him to hang out with you and he already doesn't like you!" Hinata rushes the words out, some of them jumbling together but Sayuri just about understood what he was saying.

"Okay... But isn't that what you've done?"

"No because you asked me first." Hinata shakes his head, determined to prove he hasn't ditched anyone. He's slowly crushing the ice cream cone in his hand without realising. "If he asked me first and then I came here, I'd be ditching him because I'd already have plans with him. If I went with him, I'd be ditching you."

Sayuri nods. "I see. Can't you just explain that to him? If he knows you're here, he can keep you company while I'm doing a shoot. Besides, we're only here today. You can stay with him for some of the long weekend. Well, just tomorrow really but st-"

Hinata shakes his head, cutting her off and sending his hair bouncing all over the place. "No, no, no. Kageyama doesn't wait for explanations, he just hits you or tries to pull your hair from your skull." He suddenly gasps, looking more worried than Sayuri has ever seen. "You didn't tell him I'm here, did you?!"

She shakes her head and he visibly relaxes. She's about to speak again, wanting to convince him to let his friend know he's here but before she gets the chance, she's being called by the photographer.

Sayuri smiles at her friend and stands, heading over to the shoot. Hinata smiles back before he becomes aware of the ice cream now dripping down his hand and starts whining again.

Half an hour later, Hinata is blinded by another flash as Sayuri yells "Snap!" again. She repeats the action again, and again, and again. That ends in the two of them running around the beach with Sayuri snapping as many pictures of Hinata as possible.

Hinata is starting to pant lightly but he's far from worn out. He knew that he'd had buckets of energy left after Sayuri is drained. The only problem with running away from her and trying to avoid being in the line of her camera was the fact that she had buckets more intelligence than Hinata and so he soon found himself backed by against the rocks with her approaching.

For an innocent girl, she captured the demented look perfect. The smirk on her lips as he slowly approached, camera ready, was positively evil.

Hinata only had one choice if he wanted to escape this.

Without much thought, the boy turns and begins to climb up the rocks, laughing when he hears Sayuri yell something about cheating.

"We didn't set any rules, Sayu!" Hinata calls.

When he's stood on the highest point, Hinata looks down at Sayuri. He sticks his tongue out at her but yelps when she snaps a picture.

He continues to climb over the rocks until he's on the other side of the beach - and safely away from Sayuri's camera. This side of the beach is larger than the side that the photographer was working on and seeing as they didn't need much space it made sense for them to use the smaller section of the beach.

Hinata looks at the rocks and yells loudly so Sayuri can hear him. "Ha! Can't get me now!"

He hears her yell back but can't make out the words. Something about a wall? A wall on this side of the bridge? No, no, that wasn't right. She couldn't have said 'kabe'.

He's just about to call out again when there's another voice from behind him.


Hinata freezes. He could recognise that voice from a mile away.

He felt like facepalming himself until his face caved in. How the hell could he forget that Kageyama was somewhere around here?

Hinata doesn't turn yet, debating his options.

He could climb back up the rocks and try to escape Kageyama but unlike Sayuri, his setter is perfectly capable of climbing up after him and catching him. Then, even if he did somehow escape Kageyama, they'd see each other on Tuesday at morning practise.

That left one option. Facing the music.

With a defeated sigh, Hinata twirls on his feet and looks at the other boy.

Instead of the anger Hinata was expecting, he was met with a confused expression as Kageyama blinks repeatedly at him, as if unable to believe he's here.

"Why are you... Are you a model?" Kageyama frowns, his voice quiet and bemused. Hinata rarely hears his voice like that. There's something in the tone that Hinata can not quite decipher.

When the words fully register Hinata forgets about Kageyama's odd tone and about the fact he doesn't want to be hit, doubling over laughing because really what else is he meant to do when he's being asked if he's a model?

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