Chapter 3 - Don't Drop Me

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“I don’t know where we are or what happened…the last thing any of us remember is that book—”

“That book!” Ken shouted. “That devil book, where is it! That’s what happened… When you said something and the book started glowing!” he continued.

I furrowed my eyebrows at him. I ran my hands down my face.  “Ok, I don’t know where the book is, but I—”

“Where did you get that ring…?” Kendal asked suddenly, and in the process interrupting me. I looked to the side. “Uh…what ring…?”

“Mika...” He said suspiciously. I looked at him boldly. “What?”

“Kenny, where’d you get that ring, looks just like Kai’s…” Wow, I guess that magic voice gave all of us one…

“It seems we all have one…” Kai said as he picked up Ren hand and showed the snow-globe like ring on her finger.

Ren placed her hands on her hips and began talking, my gaze roamed away from her and I began looking at the area around us. It was slightly familiar, and for some reason this familiarity made me excited. Very excited.

I looked down at my hands, at the ring on my finger and bit my lip. I wondered if any of this had anything to do with the ring.

 “Um…I think we better keep moving…” I informed. Everyone turned to me with a raised eyebrow. “Um… Mikaela, we said that, like a while ago, are you listening to anything I was just saying.”

I pressed my lips into a thin line. “Uh…”

“Of course not. That tiny brain of hers isn’t capable of such concentration, she just too dense...” I turned around to Kendal swiftly. “You shut your mouth, Kenny-dear! Or else…”

“Or else what…? What are you gunna do about it Mikaela?”

That son of a gun…Just when I was about to pound his head in I spotted something with a shining black glint. I bypassed him and picked the unknown item up. My suspicion was correct. “It’s the book!” I shouted.


The Book…”

“What?” I took the book and pounded it on his head twice. “The book that got us here?” I stated. “Whose the dense one now?” I said with a slight slant on my lips.

He smirked. “Still you…” The smiled on my face died.

“Why I oughta…” I was cut off.

“Oughta what?” My dear cousin challenged.

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