Chapter 34 - The End

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"Could you set it there?" I pointed to a spot against the wall. Elliot squeezed past me and set down the small table where I had instructed.

I nodded in approval then stepped forward and placed the urn with Will's ashes on top of the new stand.

"Are you sure you want this in here?" Elliot asked stepping aside in the small room.

I glanced over at him and smiled. He leaned up against the velvet walls and I pulled the cover off of my mother's painted picture. Elliot and I stared at the picture for a minute in silence. My father's ashes were with my mother's picture just as it should be.

I sighed and Elliot looked at me concerned. "Why do you want the urn in here?"

I wrapped both arms around his waist and leaned my head on his shoulder as I gazed at my parents together at last.

"My father told me before he passed that he was going to be with his love again and that I should be with mine," I whispered. Elliot tightened his hold around my shoulders and stayed silent.

"Smart man," he said after a minute. I nodded as I held back my tears.

"Come on," Elliot said turning me away from the scene. "We're going to be late."

"Yeah," I agreed. "Grandma would kill us if we missed this."

Elliot took my hand and led me out of the room. I gave one last glance at my parents before I shut the door to the small room so they could be together in peace. Elliot and I walked through the halls to the ballroom where the official ceremony of the crown passing would commence.

It had been a little over a week since the hearing and both Bandit and I had officially moved next door into Elliot's room. Dell and Nancy were happy to hear the good news. They had been watching the trial on the television. They wasted no time in sending me all the rest of my belongings. Nancy knew that I would end up staying there anyway. Dell requested that I call her up every Saturday so she could fill me in on everything that was happening and I could let her know about my life as well.

The public couldn't get enough of us. There was a camera around every turn once I left the castle. Thankfully the paparazzi were only allowed inside when there were important events like today.

As we neared the ballroom's doors, we could hear the loud chatter coming from inside. I gave one last glance at Elliot and then we both opened the doors and stepped inside. Flashes immediately went off as we suddenly became the center of attention. I smiled and waved knowing that if I covered my face it would only appear worse.

Elliot and I walked through the center aisle. The ballroom had been set up with many rows of chairs all leading up to a large open space where Luke and Grandma would exchange the crown. When we reached our row, we passed a few people until we could take our seats.

Elliot was sitting next to Ethan while I had Ellie sitting next to me. Beside Ethan was his fiancé, Rachel. She was a nice girl though I hadn't really gotten to know her. I looked over at Ellie beside me as Elliot engaged his brother in conversation.

"Are you excited?"

She nodded. "Aren't you?"

"Heck yeah," I assured. "I've never seen anything like this."

"It's going to be beautiful! They installed spot lights for this and everything!" Ellie jumped up in her seat a little at the thought. I chuckled lightly at her reaction.

Suddenly the lights went off in the ballroom as if we were all waiting for some movie to begin. Two spot lights lit up the center of the ballroom. People in the crowd cheered and a few cameras flashed though what they were taking a picture of was unknown to me.

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