Chapter 19. Just One More

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Thank you all so, so so sososososo much for being supportive and voting and commenting and reading. I couldn't have gotten here without each and every single one of you. Thank you all so much. I love you forever. 


Enyala's POV

“It’s sad. Leaving, I mean.” I said softly. “I know that this is the right choice, at least, I think it is, but... I just can’t help feeling sad. Middle Earth is the only place I’ve ever really felt at home, and now...”

“I understand how you feel.” Legolas said, his arms tightening around me. “This is the only place we’ve known, and even though we know that where we are going will be good, we can’t help but be torn.”

I glanced toward the hobbits. “It looks like the same thing is happening to Frodo. Torn.” I glanced away. They were all crying; it seemed to personal a moment to intrude upon.

“I’m going to miss this. All of this.” I said wistfully. “All of the memories. Remember when we first met, and I didn’t even know what this land was called, or what species I was? Then when we arrived at Rohan... All of these memories I’m afraid I’ll forget.”

Legolas pressed a kiss to my temple. “You won’t. I’ll be here to remind you.”

I smiled, but my eyes were full of unshed tears and there was a deep tugging, almost crushing, feeling in my chest. “It doesn’t really matter where we go.” I said. “Because you know where my home is? Right here, with you.”

“And you, mine, mellamin. As long as I am with you, we could live in Mordor for all I care.”

“Oh, I wouldn’t make you come to Mordor with me. That’s just cruel.” I sniffed, attempting to lighten the atmosphere with a joke.

Thranduil wandered over. He had been doing a lot of wandering recently, both physically, around Imladris, and mentally. Legolas had assured me he was fine, just preoccupied, and getting older. Thranduil himself often said he needed a ‘vacation’ and this was what he had in mind. I hoped it would do him some good.

“Ready to depart?” he asked.

“Almost.” Legolas replied. “Though I believe that our halfling friends will take a moment longer.”

You know, I will miss this place. It was wonderful. Such a beautiful creation. I shall never forget it. But my heart calls me hear, to the sea.” His eyes were slightly unfocused, gazing out over the ocean. “I have visions, sometimes, of the Everlasting Lands. I hear laughter. I see beauty all around unrivaled. Perfection in all things.”

“I hope that it will not disappoint.”

“Me, as well.” He smiled, but his gaze was still unfocused. He wandered away again.

“I fear he is becoming unwell.” Legolas said. 

“Don’t worry. The healer says he’s fine. Just like you said. Preoccupied. He’ll be fine, Legolas, I promise. Besides, we’ll be here with him. And so will Frodo, and Gandalf, and Bilbo. And all of the other elves.”

A faint grin tugged at his lips. “You’re right. I should stop worrying.”

I smiled and kissed him. “Yes, you should.” We were quiet for a few moments, until I noticed that all of the goodbyes were dealt with in the hobbit department. Frodo glanced back at Sam and the others sadly, hoping they would recognize that this wasn’t so much of what he wanted, but of what he needed. Legolas and I followed slowly, mournfully. 

“I will miss this place.” I repeated. “Very, very much.”

He nodded. “We all will.”

We glanced back one last time at Rivendell, at the gardens, the plants, the stone, the dirt, the grass, the sky we would never see again. We would look up and the stars would be different, their positions seemingly askew because of our position. I breathed in the scent of the grass and flowers of Middle Earth. Legolas, sensing my distress, took my hand. “Amin mella lle, Enyala. We will be fine.”

“I know we will.” I managed a smile. Legolas brushed a strand of hair away from my face. “I’m fine, I promise.” I said at the concerned look in his eyes. 

“We don’t have to go.” he said. “We can stay, if you wish.”

“No, no. We already decided, Legolas. We shouldn’t second guess ourselves now.”

“Alright. Shall we-” 

He was interrupted by the clattering of a horses hooves, and the thunk of something heavy falling from said animal. We spun around. 

“Gimli?” I asked, confused but delighted. “What are you doing here? I thought you went back to Minas Tirith.” Legolas and I ran over to help him up.

“Yes, well, ye see, I did. And do you know what, the King of Gondor sent me right back with a message. Oh, a very important message, he said. Quite important. Has to get there before they leave. Just in case they change their minds.”

I laughed. I had missed the funny little dwarf. 

“What did Aragorn want?” Legolas asked, a grin plastered on his face too. 

“Ah, yes. So. Some of his men found a tunnel while they were recovering bodies at the Black Gates. Apparently, they saw some orcs. And even better, there’s a known pack running around Harondor. See, he can’t sacrifice his captains at this time, and he can’t go himself, with runnin’ the kingdom and the new wife and all, congrats again to you two, by the way. Anyhow, he’s puttin’ together a hunting party. Me and whoever else can join.”

“I would, but, well...” I didn’t know what to say. The idea was immensely appealing, yes, but if it wasn’t what Legolas wanted...

“Did I mention it’ll be incredibly dangerous?”

Legolas looked at me. “One more adventure?”

I couldn’t help the beaming grin that made its way onto my face. “Just one more.”

The End

I think I might be able to get a sequel out of this if i wanted to... what do you guys think?

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