Chap 3

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The club was only a few blocks away from the bar and my apartment. The streets of L.A were something to see. There were many busy people in the day light who paid you absolutely no attention at all, huge buildings with light in every other window. I smiled as some big buff guy bumped into me and made no attempt to excuse himself. I looked down at my watch; it was 8:15 which meant I was about fifteen minutes late for work and I was going to get my ass chewed out by my very strict boss. I hurried my strides till I arrived at the back door of the club where I usually entered, which was the lounge for employees.

“Your late!” I jumped at the sound of Harold’s voice. Turning swiftly I faced him with a nervous smile.

“I’m sorry time got ahead of me” I said shrugging my jacket off and placing it on the hook beside the door.

“Yeah well you better be ahead of it next time or there won’t be a next time for you ‘Mister artieeest’.” He mocked rolling his eyes. “There are hundreds of people lining up for your job and I can have you replace like that” and he snapped him fingers. I bit my lip to keep from laughing.

Harold Jacobson was your average Joe who came into a lot of money a while ago, he was losing his hair and expanding were no man ever want to.  He was going through what humans like to call a middle age crisis and thought he’d stay hip by wearing skinny jeans and ECHO t-shirts (even though echo went out of style so, so long ago.)  His shoes were cool though, vans are pretty expensive these days. Personally I thought he tried too hard, I mean yeah you own one cool club but you don’t have to over sell yourself. I think it would be better if he just wore a nice business suit, people would take him more seriously and if he wasn’t into that a pair of regular jeans and a dress shirt would work just fine.

But he had it out for me now since I was starting to get my paintings out there and people were starting to demanded my work but I was just like him a regular hard working person trying to pay my next bill you know, so I never let him get to me when he was like this. I just shrugged it off and continued on.

“Yes sir” I said. He stared at me for minute before flicking his hand in the air a sign for me to go to work so I did. Taking a deep breath I walked towards the storage room that connected to the bar. Once in there I noticed the lights were on and Eli was lifting boxes of liquor to restock the bar, he looked up at me and smiled. God this man was one sexy guy and his smile was to die for.

“Hey my brother from another mother.” He exclaimed nodding at me. I smiled back.

“What’s up sexy” I teased and he narrowed his eyes playfully.

“Heeeey” he warned, “My girl wouldn’t like me switching sides on her now.” 

“Well I’ll take that as a compliment” I winked which caused him to laugh. I walked over, rolling up my sleeve to my elbows and helped him out by taking the large box from his hands easily. He shook his head,

“Man I still don’t know how you lift these things with such ease. I go to the gym twice a week and every day on the weekends and I still can’t do that, what’s your secret?” he asked leaning down to pick up a much smaller box.

“I’m just naturally talented like that. Hey do we have a crowd tonight?” I could hear the thumping of the heavy bass as the music played.

“Yeah, it’s bigger than last night but it is Friday so there’s always s a large crowd.”


We walked out and I was instantly bombarded by flashing lights and scents. There was a large group of people waiting for us at the bar so after we stocked the shelves since it looked like we would need to we started serving the drinks. I have no idea why the guys that worked yesterday hadn’t restocked the liquor and drinks for us before they left but I made no comment on it.  

RunAway Wolf (BoyxBoy) {Book 3: Blue Moon Series}Where stories live. Discover now