Good Enough?

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Good Enough?

The next few days were horrible. I thought once I found Kagome my heart would lose that crushing feeling I've had since she walked away from me but it was worse. Kagome and the Hugo man continued on west towards whatever they were trying to find. As the days progressed they became closer to each other. They never slept in each others arms like that night but instead they slept side by side. If Kagome had another nightmare, which was almost every night, Hugo would wake her and hum her to sleep. I hated him. I wanted to make myself known and rip him off of her. I wanted to rip him apart with my bare claws, slowly. I wanted him to never touch Kagome ever again. But I couldn't. I couldn't reveal myself. Kagome didn't want to see me. She made that clear when we last spoke. So I stayed hidden in the trees just far enough to not be detected by either of the two but close enough to keep them in my sight. Kagome and Hugo were walking from the looks of it they were having a conversation. I moved closer to hear better.

" She loved it. When she wasn't owning up to her priestess duties she was in the garden. It's very funny and strange how she can grow such delicious foods but she can't cook." Hugo laughed. I wanted to punch him in the face.

"Yes, that is indeed strange." Kagome laughed and my heart did a backflip. I wanted to be the one to make her laugh.

"She was a great mother. The best anyone could ever have. She taught me kindness, love, compassion. She taught me humanity. My step father taught me intelligence and skill."

"What did your actual father teach you?"

Hugo's face darkened and I watched him carefully. He stopped talking for a minute and for a second I didn't think he would answer. Kagome, noticing that she may have asked a question too touchy for the wimp, scampered to apologize.

"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have asked." She looked away from him. Her face was sad.

"No, no." Hugo rushed to reassure her. "It's just.... I really don't like my father." He said to Kagome looking at her.

Kagome didn't respond. They continued to walk in silence. I was about to move out of earshot until Hugo spoke again.

"Tell me about your family." He asked Kagome. Kagome stopped walking and her face clouded over. I saw her fight for the emotion in her eyes to not take her over but after a few minutes she lost that fight. A single tear slide down her face and she crouched until she was seated on the ground, her face in her knees. She remained that way, quietly. Her back slightly shaking. She was crying. My heart broke as I watched her. She was hurt. She was broken. Hugo sat down beside her and rubbed her back. He began to hum the same melody that I watched Kagome fall asleep to for many nights. She kept her head in her knees for a moment longer until suddenly she was laughing.

"Has she lost it?" I whispered. Kagome is not sad for ten minutes and then laughing the next. The Kagome I know would be sad, then angry, then sad again, then angry again until I apologized. Then she would return to her normal happy self. Happy?

"Huh." I said aloud. "Was Kagome ever happy with me?" I started to think back to when things were normal. I remember her smiling a lot. I remember her fierceness and her moral sense to help others in need but now that I think about it when I looked into Kagome's eyes there was always a hint of sadness there. Did I put that there? Was she unhappy with me?

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