Chapter Thirty-one

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Chapter Thirty-One

Alice looks at the Damos’ limp body stretched out on the stairs. She hovers next to Will. She felt his strong arms wrap around her as she takes in the shock. She hears Will’s voice in her ears, “It’s over.” Alice nods still looking down and taking in the news. “It’s over,” She whispered. It was over, but there was no moment where she could think to celebrate. She could not find herself to celebrate a victory that she has lost a lot.

They walk down to the entrance of the castle. Alice lets Will take care of  anybody from outside of Eden without a fuss. She was too stunned by what had happened. There was not that much of the Austere army, and they all guessed that they must have fled when they saw their king fall.

Outside in the court yard Alice sees what was left of her army. Her eyebrows pull together at the thought of her army. She was to be their queen now. It felt surreal and upsetting. For the only reason she was their queen now was because her parents were killed. She felt a squeeze on her shoulders and she turns to look at Will. Alice gives a sad smile; glad to know that she did not need to speak for him to know what she was thinking.

One of the soldiers comes up to Alice; he must have been second in command to the captain. He opened his mouth and then closed it. He must have been deciding what to call her. Maybe she was not the only one that thought of her being queen was surreal. He opened his mouth again, “The others and I chased out the rest of the Austere army that was in the castle.”

Alice nods, “They must have heard the news that Damos is dead.” She let the news sink in for a few seconds. “I do not want them here. They end up hurting someone.”

The soldier nods. “But they will probably stay to get their king when they settle down.”

“Take a group with you and try to ease them down and talk to them, but only allow four to follow you back.”

The soldier nods and takes a small group with him and walks out through the gate.

Alice walks up to Keiran. “How much damage did Eden take?”

Keiran shrugs, “Too many to count. Damos had most of the capital burned, so it is going to take some time for re-growth. In the mean time the kingdom will be going through a famine.”

“How come none of the fairies have tried healing Eden?” Asks Will.

Keiran shakes his head, “A lot of the fairies were either killed or too weak to do anything.” He shrugs, “This is a problem all over Eden.”

Alice takes in the information. The fairies are the only ones that can help restore Eden, and if this is a problem all over and if there is not enough fairies, then this is going to take some time. “We’ll gather up the strongest fairies that are left, and they restore what they can of Eden for now, just enough to get passed the famine; I do not want to drain them out.”

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