Oh why Bother?

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I really don't know what to write...so this is just going to be space I think.

"Run, run run... such lovely words to say to someone who has no legs... oh and why is that because I have them in my hands, Ha ha. Maybe next time you shouldn't stomp someone to death. I bet you hate your hate crime now. God I love how cheesy I am sometimes. Anywho I really should wash up, the color red really doesn't look suiting on me. Enjoy playing with your legs."

My companion said throwing the legs in his hands at the man on floor.

He looked at me and I could see the satisfaction in his eyes.

" Are you coming? Oh don't worry about him, he'll be fine no more blood loss. "

I wanted to go, but I couldn't move. He made his way around the man (I will get to discriptions later) on the floor. I felt his hand on my shoulder.

"You know I won't hurt you right?

"I am not afraid of you hurting me. I am trying to figure out how you know this man is guilty?"

"Everyone has abilities right? Well mine is to see if someone is lying or if they are guilty of something they claim they are innocent of. This excludes people who commit sex abuse or harassment because of everyone's ability to see it without physical contact and the instant disposal/ arrest of that said person. Which is why I knew he was guilty of stomping death another person for being different."

To be continued...

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⏰ Last updated: May 23, 2015 ⏰

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