Chapter Three

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Hey Guys!!

I'm so sorry about the really long wait, I've had some inbox messages asking me to post this for some months now and, well the truth is... I haven't had the time to write much until recently. But, i've finally done it!

Hope you all enjoy it!

Sophie xox


The journey to the Ministry was the same as usual. Arthur and I talked about light events so not to bog each other down with our issues. Once we arrived, we would split up and go to our designated areas. Arthur went to go work in his office, whilst I went to my training sessions. Once we were finished he would meet me, and we would make the journey back to the burrow together. I guess I was lucky that I had so many people looking out for my well being.

"Right, good luck for tonight." Arthur said as he left me in the main foyer, which was where I was supposed to be meeting the aurors for our exercise. There were a few trainees waiting nearby, so as soon as Arthur left I went to join them.

"Evening Ari." A tall blonde boy said to me.

"Hello Sebastian." I greeted. Sebastian was a well spoken guy, who had money from both muggle and wizarding worlds. His father was the heir to a muggle chocolate factory and was a muggle himself whilst his mother, a very talented witch, was the daughter of the minister for magic in Italy. Seb was trained privately by his mother and other scholars that would come to his house before he started attending Eton for his muggle education. And whilst he was training to be an auror in the muggle world he attended Oxford University studying medicine. As I muggleborn I can honestly say I was envious of what he had, but not of his life.

"How many times do I have to ask you to call me Seb, that's what my friends call me." He smiled at me. He opened his mouth to continue, but was interrupted by my cousin.

"Ari, you are going to love tonight!" She exclaimed as she flung herself at me. "Seb you're my partner." She smiled up at the tall boy, I took that as my cue to go and find Savage. I found him at the back of the group of aurors, near to the floo fireplaces, looked like we were heading out first.

"Good evening." I greeted, but I only received a grunt in reply.

"Right everyone listen up! I want all of you to keep your guard up at all times. This isn't an auror controlled environment we are entering, this is real life. And if there is real danger the trained auror will ask their designated trainee to apparate to a known safe house. Do I make myself clear?" One of the aurors shouted above everyone. We all nodded and then it was time to go.

When we arrived at the training field, there were six Erumpents, one for each of us. An Erumpent was a large beast, which resembles a rhinoceros. Erumpents have thick hides, which are capable of repelling spells and hexes, a single horn which can pierce skin and metal and contains a deadly fluid and a thick tail. Erumpents were quite rare creatures considering the fact that during the mating process a male Erumpent will explode.

"You have to get it under control, in a confined area so that you can cage it to be sent back to its natural habitat for this new mating program that they are introducing." Savage said lowly to me. I looked at him in surprise, this wasn't normally a job for a an auror. "With a creature as harmful and endangered such as this species they call in aurors as we are known for our accuracy and ability to get a job done." Savage explained as he took in my confused state.

So I started my task. Having thoroughly enjoyed care for magical creatures at hogwarts, I knew that an Erumpent would only attack if provoked. So I approached the animal slowly and with caution, looking it in the eye, as I sign of respect. As I approached the Erumpent there was a loud screech from across the field, causing my Erumpent to scare and run off into the woods. I turned to look at where the sound was coming from to see flashes of green.

"What's going on?" I questioned as I joined Savage at his side.

"Deatheaters." He muttered as he looked across the field to see at least six deatheaters to a pair. We were the only ones not surrounded. "Whatever happens stay with me unless the killing curse is flung at you, you then grab my arm and apparate. We stay back to back, watching everything." Savage explained as he turned me roughly so that I could see all around me. His larger back pressing into mine, gave me comfort that I wasn't alone. In a few seconds we were surrounded by cloaked and masked people. "Ready?"

"As I'll ever be." I muttered back, before I shot a nonverbal spell at one who was raising their wand to aim at me. Their wand flew backwards before snapping in two, leaving the deatheater helpless in this fight. Spells were zipping all around me, and I was firing them straight back. It reminded me of when we tried to fight the deatheaters in the department of mysteries, the only difference was that this time I was winning. I looked around to see two deatheaters on my side unconcious. Savage had gone wild and was currently attacking the last one with me, firing spell after spell. The deatheater shot one last spell in our direction before they disapparated back to where they had come from.

"That was excellently done Miss Tonks." Savage praised as he turned to look at me, grabbing my arm in order to apparate out of there. It struck me as odd how I couldn't feel his tight grip.

"I can't feel my arm." I replied, slightly shocked.

"Come on let's get you to Mungo's they'll fix you up better than I could. It's only a small stunning charm, but better to be safe than sorry." He admitted. When we arrived at the hospital I was greeted with a bloody Tonks who was smiling grimly at me.

"What happened?" I asked her, worried for both her and Seb.

"Seb got hit with a spell, made several cuts all over his body, they're trying to stop the bleeding. But they say that he's going to be okay. What happened to you guys?" She looked at us, obviously not seeing much physical damage.

"Ari got hit with a stunning spell on her wand arm, I thought better than sorry." Savage said.

"That's very wise of you Eddie." Tonks said. I was surprised to hear his real name. Of cause I knew that his name was Savage, it just surprised me because I've never heard anyone else call him anything else. "Shall I go get George?" Tonks asked me, I shook my head.

"Arthur will have gotten him, I expect that he will be here soon." And as soon as I said those words he came running through the door, looking very flustered with bloodshot eyes, and tears on his cheeks. A slightly more relaxed Arthur followed him.

"Thank god you're alright! You are alright aren't you?" He questioned, grabbing me in a tight hug. "Tonks... what happened to you?" He asked as he looked over my shoulder at my cousin, she just simple shrugged it off and said she would explain it later.

"She's fine son, as you can see, she just got hit by a stunning spell that's all. I thought that it was better for professionals to lift it than let an ameature like myself do it." Savage said to George. "Mr Weasley, nice to see you again." He said shaking Arthur's hand.

"See... I told you I would be fine." I said sheepishly, George just shook his head at me before he sat me down on his lap in the waiting room.

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