Chapter 4

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i am really sorry this took so long to post and whats not but i take for ever at writting and then it was edited (by angelisa318) and i also hope you like it and they way its heading.



I watched as Adrian left the room, but not before he figured out that Brian and I have been going at it at least once a week. He also called me a whore yet I bet if he knew the reason why he would shut his stupid mouth. I was about to ask Brian to help me out of this bed, which I now realize is a hospital bed that was pulled into what I assume to be a guest bedroom, before I felt my heart being squeezed from the inside. I let out a loud whimper as Brian ran towards me frantically, asking what was wrong yet one look into my eyes and it was like he immediately knew the answer. He ran out the room leaving me practically screaming in pain.


I can't believe Adrian is doing this! I can definitely relate to the pain I saw Lucien going through. The last time I witnessed it was when I was going through it but at least now I can stop it. I can't even believe that Adrian, I just hope I'm not too late. As I reach Adrian's room, I find him sitting on his bed, shaking.

"Adrian, stop. Don't do this." I say pleading with him.

"I don't want him." He replies through the pain of him contemplating rejecting Lucien.

"First of all, Adrian, I know you want him. He's exactly your type-" I try to reason before he cuts me off

"I am not gay! And I don't like him." He says, not sounding the least bit convincing.

"Adrian you guys can definitely work through it and this pain you're putting him through is unbearable. I refuse to let another person go through it ." I whisper the last part even though I know he still heard me

"What do you mean" Adrian questioned

"it happened to me"

"But when? Why?"he said continuing to look confuse

"This is not the time for questions. Fix this with Lucien now. I know it's hurting you too." I say sternly, keeping a tight face as I try not to think of Amber. Before I could walk over and help him up, ragged breathing came from the door. I turned and wasn't surprised at who I saw.


My breathing had turned into short gasps as I lay in bed waiting for Brian to come back and tell me what's wrong yet all my mind was focused on was Adrian. His short cut black hair, light blue eyes, tan skin and swirling tattoo that went straight down his abs and disappeared down his pants. I wonder where it ended.

"Focus." I told myself even though I knew it was hopeless. I think I'm really falling for him, I thought as I swung my legs off of the bed and let my instincts take me straight to Adrian's room . I entered not even glancing at Brian, staring straight at my mate as he sat on the bed looking a little shaky. I walked over to him and stood in front of him before saying in a quivering voice,

"I think I'm dying but-" I stopped and let out a fake cough for dramatic effect before continuing, "But before I die I just want to let you know that I would've changed for you." I kissed him full on the lips and all the pain was immediately replaced with lust and bliss.

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