Arranged Marriage!!! Not if I Can Help it!!! Chapter 30

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Arranged Marriage!!! Not if I Can Help it!!!

Chapter 30

“Kate!” My head flew up as someone woke me up from my sleep.  William stood over me, completely dressed.  “Kate you’re going to be late for school if you don’t get up soon.”

I groaned and ran to the bathroom.  Stupid school, stupid William, stupid soap, stupid morning time.  All I wanted was to curl back up into my warm covers.  Instead I got dressed in my ugly uniform, not bothering to make it look cute this time.  Stupid school uniform.

I barely made it five steps out of the bathroom before a wave of nausea flew over me.  I stood there a few minutes while the feeling subsided.  I remembered throwing up yesterday at school, and I threw up again when I got home.

What’s wrong with me?

Pushed that thought aside as my stomach grumbled.  Yum, I smell pancakes!  I completely forgot my nausea as I drowned in pancakes and syrup.

William looked at me funny as I chowed down on my food.  After a while I started to feel uncomfortable with his inquisitive stare.

“Whas yad luker af?” I asked with my mouth full of food, he only laughed and shook his head while I swallowed.

“I said, what are you looking at?”

“I was just noticing that you seemed to be really hungry this morning.  Feeling better?” He asked while putting his palm on my head.  That was right when Jack walked in.  A look of distress crossed his face as he saw William touching my forehead but he quickly pushed that away.

“How are you feeling Kate?” He asked as he began digging into his own pancakes.

“Sa mutch brettle!” I said, once more my mouth filled with food.  I swallowed quickly and repeated myself, “So much better!”

“kood.” Jack said, his mouth now filled with food.  We both laughed and I threw one of my hard-boiled eggs at him.  He jumped up in surprise and we both laughed until tears were coming from my eyes.

“We better go.” William demanded standing up.  He sent a cold glare towards Jack, causing us both to stop laughing.  Jack glared back at him and all went silent.  I jumped up and ushered William out the door before they killed each other.

The rest of the day went smoothly.  I attempted to get Jack and William to talk to each other but it wasn’t working at all.  They seemed perfectly content on hating each other.

The class with Matt came much faster than I could bare.  When I walked into the room William and Jack stood at both sides of me.  They glared at Matt as we passed, and I just kept my head down.

Sitting beside him felt like torture as I willed myself to be anywhere, everywhere, but here.

The teacher went on and on about literature components and I came to the point where I finally began to relax.  I refused to look at Matt; I looked everywhere but at him.

Maybe this year wouldn’t be so bad.  If I continued to ignore him, I could just pretend he wasn’t there. The class finally ended and I rose out of my seat, only to see Matt drop a note on my desk.  My hands shook as I opened it.  The tears leaked from my eyes as I let the letters seep in.

This year was going to be very, very hard.

How will I possibly handle it?

I dropped the note to the ground as I ran from the room to the bathroom.  I lost all my breakfast in the toilet as I clutched my stomach.

How would I handle this whole year?

That note, now lying on the classroom floor, said it all.

‘See you tomorrow sweetie;)’

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 25, 2011 ⏰

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