Chapter 34 | She's A Cute Potato

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Chapter 34 | She's A Cute Potato

"I believe we write our own stories and each time we think we know the end, we don't. Perhaps luck exists somewhere between the world of planning, the world of chance, and in the peace that comes from knowing that you just can't know it all. You know, life's funny that way. Once you let go of the wheel, you might end up right where you belong." - Little Black Notebook

"Ooh, what about that one?" Aspen chirpily suggests.

"No, that one is hideous," I reject, crinkling my nose when I see the one she is pointing at.

"It is not hideous," She argues, rolling her eyes. "He's so cute-you could name him Oreo!"

"Yeah, that's stupid and cliché," I tell her with a small scoff. "C'mon, let's just keep looking," I urge.

"Girls, please just hurry and pick one so we can get out of here," My mom pleads from a few steps behind. "I'm starting to itch," She complains.

"Well, I did strongly advise not wearing a pantsuit," I remind her in a singsong voice.

"Well, I have to go to work when we leave here," She says, mocking my singsong tone.

"You could have just given me the money, you know. Then you wouldn't have even had to come with us."

"Alright, well, if you two don't have one picked out in the next three minutes, we are just going to leave."

"Okay, okay, okay-gosh, you're so impatient," I sigh, continuing my way down the walkway, briefly glancing in all the glass displays I pass up.

Today is June 5th, so it's been a couple of months, but not much at all has changed. One thing that has changed, however, is my mother's stance on pets. As a reward, if you can even call it that, for finishing up my junior year with relatively good grades, my mom decided I could get a pet.

I wanted to get a puppy, because, well, love puppies. She said no to that though since we've already got Zoe in the house and then she suggested that I get a guinea pig. I said no to that suggestion though because guinea pigs freak me out and resemble rats a bit too closely for my comfort.

So since I couldn't get a dog, I wanted to get a kitten and although it took a bit of convincing, she finally decided that that'd be okay. Beckett is highly allergic to them, which is the main reason I've never been able to get one. When he saw how excited I was at the prospect of getting one though, he said that as long as I kept it as far away from him as possible at all times, he would be okay with it. I know I complain about him a lot, but when I really think about it, he's actually a pretty great brother-I mean, he's literally willing to put his health at risk for my happiness.

Anyway, so now Aspen, my mother, and I are here at the Humane Society looking for a cute kitten to adopt. My mom has been complaining about everything from the smell to the sounds (of dogs barking and cats meowing) since we got here, but that was to be expected, because she's snooty. She's the one paying for all of this stuff though, so she insisted on coming, which is dumb, because Aspen and I could have handled it.

"Sawyer, oh my God!" Aspen shrieks, suddenly stopping in my tracks. "Look at this one-she's adorable!"

"You've literally said that about 98% of the kittens we've seen since we got here," I remind her with a sigh.

"I know, but this one actually is super adorable," She defends.

"If it's another bald cat, I swear to you our friendship is over."

"It's called a Sphynx, Drama Queen," Aspen laughs, beckoning for me to come over to the display she's at.

"It's called ugly," I scoff, walking over to where she's standing and looking in at the kitten she's looking at.

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