Giving up (An Arranged Marriage)

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Once I heard the flight attendant say we have arrived I got jittery. I mean who wouldn’t; i could stand the anticipation of finally seeing the savior to my escape. I admit i am scared but I am trying to be the one thing I’m not… optimistic.

Suddenly Gordon looks at me and smiles.

“Once we arrive it is only a short drive till we get to your new home.”-Gordon

The jet stopped. I collected my luggage in the back and got off the plane.

“Whoo! First plane ride and I survived” you yell as you hop off the plane. You can hear Gordon laughing in the back.

We walked to a car and he was about to open the door when you got in yourself.

“It’s okay, I can open my door. Thanks anyway”-raven

He laughed and went to the driver’s seat. The car ride was comfortable. All I did was listen to the music on the radio. I didn’t notice my surroundings when suddenly the car pulled up to a mansion. My eyes probably popped out of their sockets. 

“Gordon, are you sure we have the right house?!?”-raven

He laughed and said, “I’m pretty sure, I’ve only worked here for maybe over ten years”

As soon as the car stopped I got out and just stared. How can I be so lucky? After all I’ve done. I got my bags and followed Gordon to the door. He opened it, but as you entered you were engulfed in a hug.

“Oh my goodness, you are so pretty!!!”- Strange lady

“Umm thank you but who may I ask are you?”-raven

“Ha-ha sorry sweet heart, I am Damon’s mom but you can call me Jenny”-Jenny

“Oh hi I am--”-raven began to say but was interrupted.

“Of course I know who you are silly. Here let’s get you settled in. Gordon, can you have one of the maids take Raven’s stuff to her room while I introduce her to my husband?”-jenny

“Of course Miss”-Gordon

“Come on Raven. Let me hear about yourself, I want to know all there is too know about my new soon to be daughter in law. “-jenny

“Oh well I don’t exactly know where to begin”-raven

“Which school you went to? Family? Oh I got it let’s talk boys tell me about your past boyfriend” she said while giving you a wink.

“Well there’s not much to say I’ve never really had one. My school was named Rosa Parks Valley High. And I’m an only child”

“You’ve had to have at least one boyfriend, I mean look at you. How can a girl like you not attract the boys at your school? Or should I say men,” you began to laugh. She was weird but funny.

“Jenny has our guessed arrived yet” a man said walking into the direction you guys were heading.

“Ronald, I think you can very well see for yourself that she has indeed right here. Ha getting old love?”-jenny

“Honey I’ll never grow old. How rude of me. I am Damon’s father, Ronald. And you must be Raven”-Ronald said

“It’s nice to meet you.”-raven

“Where is that boy any ways?”-jenny

“I think he is in his room. Raven would you mind go fetching my son? It’s up the stairs third room to the right”- Ronald

“No problem” i walk to his room and the whole time i was getting excited that I would finally see the man i were about to marry. Would he be handsome? Polite? Nice? Soon I got to the door and knocked but no one answered. So I slowly peeked inside only to find…

Giving up (An Arranged Marriage) *On hold* sorryWhere stories live. Discover now