Tom Parker One Shot

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Best friends forever; that was what he told me. But the second he got the chance, he left. Granted, he was now living his dreams, but he still forgot about his promise.

I lived in Bolton, England for 11 years before moving to Michigan. Up until I was 16 and Tom was 22 we stayed friends. Now, 3 years later, I haven’t seen nor heard from him.

I heard recently that he and his band were going on tour and my mom, thinking I still had contact with Tom, bought me a ticket to their concert at the Palace of Auburn Hills.

Not wanting my friends to know I knew Tom, I didn’t tell them I was going to the concert. And I certainly did not tell them I had a backstage pass.

The day of the concert arrived quickly and I was slowly starting to panic. What if Tom didn’t recognize me? What if he all of a sudden hated me? What if his girlfriend was there?

I was pacing in my bedroom when my mom said I need to leave or I was going to be late. I grabbed my keys and drove to the Palace. My knuckles were white from how hard I was gripping the steering wheel.

As I parked, I really considered going back home. But I really did miss him, and even if he didn’t remember me, I loved his music.

“Excuse me, Miss, what’s your name?” a security guard asked me.

“Um…Haley Ross,” I said.

“It’s her,” he said to his partner. “Take her.”

I was so confused. The other security guard grabbed my arm and led me away. He was leading me down a hallway. I could dimly hear boys yelling.

“What is going on?” I demanded.

The man didn’t answer. Instead, he pushed me into a room.

I landed in someone’s arms, surprising the both of us. I looked up and into the eyes of the guy I used to call my best friend.

I stood up quickly and backed away.

“Haley,” he smiled at me.

“Tom,” I sniffled, trying not to cry.

“Jay!” Jay shouted.

I raised my eyebrow and Jay shrugging. “I felt left out.”

Tom broke out in laughter, and I smiled. He really has not changed. Well, he did have a girlfriend now.

“So, you are the famous Haley that Tom tells us so much about?” Max asked.

“He talks about me?” I asked.

They nodded. I glared at Tom. “Yet you ignored me for three years?”

“Sorry about that Haley. I got busy with the band.”

I scoffed. “So why am I back here?”

“I just wanted to see you and I remembered that you lived in Michigan,” Tom admitted.

I just looked down. What do you say to the guy who left you? What can you say when you love him?

“I really am sorry, Red,” he apologized.

“I know,” I smiled.

I hugged him tightly. Tom kissed the top of my head and then rested his head there. To anyone who didn’t know we were best friends, we would look like a couple.

“Excuse me, but who are you?” a snotty voice asked. “And why are you all over my boyfriend?”

Tom pulled away and looked at the door. I followed his lead and saw Kelsey; Tom’s girlfriend.

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