Mates For Life

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 My legs hurt along with my back, I yawned and sat down next to Jake. " Whoa, did you and Vincent just-'' he said but I slapped his mouth lightly. '' Yes and shush, it's embarassing'' I hissed and put my hand down. '' Well you know, everyone can smell your arousal, even though you showered or cleaned yourself whatever'' Jake then said. My eyes widened and I looked around the living room, everyone was trying not to laugh or smile but they did, I blushed and got off the couch.

I looked around for Vincent, he said he went to the woods to take a walk. I passed by the Alpha, '' Good morning sir'' I said and he chuckled. '' Did you sleep well? I assume you did not after hearing all those banging on the wall'' he said, '' oh, that um...'' I said dumbly while blushing again. '' Nah i'm playing with you and congrats'' he giggled while patting my arm and walking away. I laughed and continued walking to the front door, I opened it and what did I see? That stupid bitch who tricked my honey and fucked him. I angrily slammed the door and jogged to Vincent, that bitch was touching him but he was swatting her hands away and screaming at her. '' Hey slut, did you not get the message? We don't want you here, so leave us alone, whore'' I shouted and the bitch glared at me.

'' Sage, I swear I didn't do anything with her'' Vincent said with a serious face, I ignored him and kept walking towards the bitch who was retreating. I growled and grabbed her neck, choking her to death. '' You leave and never return, or i'll have to kill you myself'' I snarled in Brenda's face, she laughed and moved the other side of her head. The mark caught my eye and I frowned, I felt so hurt. '' He's mine actually, look he marked me and now we're together forever, is that right sweetheart?'' she said and I slammed her to the ground, my anger boiled. 

'' Sweetheart? Sweetheart? you don't call him Sweetheart or anything, he's fucking mine and I can tear that mark right off your neck, sweetheart'' I growled out. She slapped me and smiled at me, oh how I love challenges. I smiled back and tossed her to the nearest tree, making her cry. I was shaking, like really shaking, Vincent softly rubbed my arm '' don't touch me right now Vincent, I really don't want to take my anger out on you'' I said, shaking even more, he let me go. Brenda tried getting up and I shifted in my wolf and raced to her, this bitch is mine. I knocked her down where she was rolling down the woods and getting slapped in the face with branches.

That was pretty funny but I didn't smile, instead I just chased after her and trapped her where her back was leaning on a tree. '' Do it bitch, all you are is just a fucking jealous hater because you want my man'' she said, making me shake even more. I howled and bit her neck, tossing her side to side like a chew toy. She shifted in her wolf and we both were getting slammed into the ground and rolling away. We both were snapping at each other and biting each other's neck, it was pretty bloody. She landed on top of me and clawed my cheek, then ran off, hell no I am not letting her get out alive. I snarled and chased after her, I have to admit she was pretty fast but not as fast as me.

I knew Vincent was following, I can hear his calls in my mind but I ignored him, I was only focused on killing Bitchy Brenda. I paced myself even more where I was only 2 feet far from her. I could of sworn I heard Vincent say not to cross the line but I didn't care. He growled behind me but kept chasing after me and Brenda. I finally got her, I jumped on Brenda and landed on top of her, biting and slashing her neck. She cried and howled, calling for her pack help, I snarled and clawed her stomach. She kept howling and howling until the howls got lower and lower. My jaw was locked on her neck and whenever she moved or cried, I clenched my jaw even tighter.

She wasn't moving anymore, her heartbeat stopped and I put her down, watching her eyecolor go from brown to full black. Some branches were snapping behind me and Vincent growled, here comes her pack. Three familiar wolves popped out and growled at me, suddenly stopping and barking. I looked back at Vincent when he came to my side and rubbed his head on my right arm. '' Sage, you're back'' the happy voices of the three wolves said. '' Who are you, how do you know me?'' I asked while growling at them, '' It's Damian, Mikey, and Craig, remember?'' the alpha said and stepped forward. '' No'' I said plainly, who are these people? ' love, they were the ones who took care of you after you ran away from me' Vincent said in my mind and I turned to face him and snuggled in his furry neck.

'' I have no clue'' I said while looking through Vincent's eyes, ' Well, they miss you' Vincent snarled. I looked back at the boys and walked forward to the Alpha, looking deeply into his eyes. I focused completely and saw memories of when we hung out. Mikey, Damian, Craig, Gregory and Johnathan were piled on top of me, laughing their butts off. I went shopping with Damian and returned to their home. Then we ran into the woods and fooled around, all of a sudden we kissed. I looked away, not being able to look at Damian, not after kissing him. Vincent growled, was he seeing what I just saw right now?

I looked back at Damian, he frowned and looked at the ground, letting a tear come out his eye. I frowned too and looked at Mikey, he just looked away. ' Damian ,i'm sorry for what happened, you'll always be my best friend' I said through the mind link, hopefully thinking he would receive my message. 'Sorry for what? i'm the one who kissed you, I feel foolish' Damian said and I hugged his neck, I really missed him. He hugged even tighter and Vincent growled and separated us. '' Vincent!'' I yelled in my mind, '' you are mine'' he growled. ' No shit, I just miss him! ' I snarled, he howled and looked away, what is his problem?

' Well, see you around Sage, bye' Damian said and ran off, Mikey and Craig bowed their heads and followed their alpha. ' Now look what you did, you scared him off' I said to Vincent, he just rolled his eyes. '' So?'' he said back, I swear I just want to slap him. I walked to him with my head low and ears back, I tackled him to the floor gently and nipped at his upper lip and licked his face. '' Why are you so jealous?'' I chuckled in my mind and nipped gently at his neck, he smelled good. '' I am not, I love you and no one is able to touch you, other than me'' he said seriously.

'' I love you too, sweetheart'' I said and teased him with the last part. I got off him and ran, leaving him dumbfounded on the ground, '' oh you're a bad girl, wait till we get home'' he said through the mind link. I grinned and chuckled while charging to the house, it was a really long run until I made it. I trotted up the porch steps and scratched the door for someone to open it. Luckily Lucy opened it and allowed me in, everyone smiled at me when I ran past them. I ran into Vincent's room and heard his feet pounding on the ground. I quickly shifted and ran to his dresser and pulled out some fresh clothes. I luckily still had my bra and underwear on and I ran to the bathroom and changed.

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