::Human Pyramid::

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Could you guys go on my page on my notice board and check the link I just posted, go on it and vote for 'BISHOP ANSTEY HIGH SCHOOL' It's a competition to help us with sponsors for our graduation, which is kind of like our prom, you know the fancy dresses & fancy dates etc, so help me out? & spread the word please!

- Maya <3::

- Back to the show-

The bus pulled up to a large grass field about twenty minutes later, and everyone piled out.

The sun was out and blazing down on everyone.

"Damn I'm hot." Akaiia sighed as she wiped the sweat off her forehead.

"Yes, you are." Dwayne chuckled as he rubbed his hands together.

She rolled her eyes as she moved away from him.

"Game weak son." TJ chuckled.

"Shut up man." Dwayne said as he flipped him off.

"Hello everyone!" Maya smiled as she approached everyone. "Hot as shit right?"

"YES, damn." Olivia said as she fanned herself.

"Moving on, welcome to your first challenge, and guess what." She smiled.

"What?" everyone asked.

"You're being split up into teams!"

"Damn." Tj groaned.

"Anyone want to volunteer to be a captain this week? Oh yeah, I forgot to mention. For every group challenge, there needs to be a group leader. You all are supposed to choose them, but since this is the first challenge, I'll do it."

"I was going to volunteer." Miles said as he slowly put his hand down.

"Well come on up here Miles, since you volunteered." Maya smiled.

Miles smiled and walked over to Maya who put her hand over his shoulder.

"Anyone else want to be a captain?" Maya asked.

TJ put his hand up, but she shook her head.

"Preferably a girl, since we have a boy."

The girls looked around, but no one's hand went up.

"How about you Mariah?"

Mariah nodded her head and she walked over to Maya, who put her other arm around her shoulder.

"You this is funny, you two are the guys we chose for the captains this week. And we already have your teams."

"I thought we were going to pick." Miles pouted.

"You thought you were going to pick?" Maya smiled, as she mocked Miles' accent, making him chuckle. "Not today sweetheart, anyway. What you do get to choose is your team name."

"Can I pick after I see who's on my team."

"Makes sense." Maya said as she nodded, "So first up on your team is, Symone."

Symone smiled as she walked over to Miles.

"And on Mariah's side, first up is Jason."

Jason walked over to Marian as Maya continued out calling the teams.

When she was done, this is how they stood.


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 03, 2015 ⏰

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