Ch. 57 - What's Next?

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(A/N: have a nootmare sketch lol)


"We're WHAT!?" Ink exclaimed.

Besides those who already knew, Ink was not the only Sans surprised.

Error rolled his eye lights. "That's really not important r-r-r-right now. We have time. What we should do is f-f-f-figure out what to do next."

"Speakin' o' what tah do next, my faboo skele-dudes." Fresh interjected as people were getting over all these bombshells. "Didja make that AU I sent those radical blueprints for?"

"I forgot about that!" Ink's eye lights flashed exclamation points in excitement before remembering about the Multiverse being finite, thus dampening the emotion. "Wait - are you sure I should be making anything-?"

"This be important, broski." Fresh said, hands in pockets, ignoring a shoving match Dust and Killer were trying to be subtle about. "They come down from on high."

"I thought you were the strongest being in the Multiverse?" Dream stated, handing the blueprints he had been holding onto in his inventory over to Ink. "At least that's how Error introduced you."

Nightmare got annoyed by Killer and Dust shoving each other and separated them with his tendrils.

Fresh shrugged, as Inks eye lights lit up in joy at the description of UnderHacked on the blueprints. "These sick blueprints here come from the wacky beyond, muh little home skillet."

Dust and Killer changed to making faces at each other. Nightmare, caught in the middle, looked like a man in desperate need of coffee.

Error's sockets widen. "You m-m-m-mean they come from-" He pointed up. "-them?"

Ink looked up to follow where Error pointed, not seeing anything before looking between the two. "Do you mean ... God?" He asked hesitantly, the only thing he could think of.

Fresh merely smiled.

"Why would God want an AU full of games?" Ink asked, dead panning.

"Oh!" Dream said, remembering. "When you gave them to me you mentioned it was to catch Hackers."

Error winced, knowing his need to focus on destroying had left them to run rampant.

There was a lot of confusion from the Council Sans's as not many of them knew what they meant by Hacker.

"Bingo!" Fresh said, giving finger guns. "But more specifically, the ones that be a threat. Hackers themselves increase the totes radical capacity of the Multiverse, so havin' a few hang round ain't all bad, broski."

"And you think they'll f-f-f-fall for that?" Error asked, pointing to the blueprints, unconvinced. "A few games?"

"I asked Snasy and them, dawg." Fresh said. "And despite knowing it's radical purpose, even they want a look-see."

"Who?" Ink asked. He couldn't recall anyone with that name or nickname. Though that wasn't saying much, considering his memory.

"Some Hackers h-h-h-he made a deal with." Error answered to some surprise and shock.

"They be chill, bruh." Fresh shrugged again. "We already made plans tah meet once that rad AU be completed, yo. I'm sure they'd love to meetcha! Anyway's, we best be getting a move on, home slice." Fresh pointed out. "Else we be standing here all day chatting, y'dig?"

"I ... should probably call another meeting for the ones who aren't here." Ink said, agreeing. "Is ..." Ink hesitated, before asking. "Is there time for me and Error to talk first though?"

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