Chapter #22| Saving Trent

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"Sir you aren't allow to go in there" said the nurse

"F*ck you that's my boyfriend dying in there, he needs me so move" I yelled. The nurse flinch in fear I felt someone touch my shoulder.

"He's in surgery Paul, Trent lost a lot of blood and his lung collapse so please acting this way won't help him. We've arrived on time so he'll be okay" said Marcus. I cursed then slam my fist onto the wall, I was lucky police didn't take me into custody for nearly beating Asher to death, the bastard didn't like the pain on bit. There was so much blood, I can't get my babies screams out of my mind, what I witness will forever haunt me. Asher stabbing my baby next to me, if I woke up sooner then this wouldn't of happened.

"Be calm we just need to wait" said Leon

"Calm, I witness my submissive nearly gotten killed in front of me, I'm covered with his blood and you want me to be calm" I yelled at him. Marcus pushed me away as Leon spoke no further, nurses tried to contact his brother but the bastard disconnect his number. We're his only family Trent has and I'll make sure he has a happy life what he deserve. Hours went by as Dr. Chris arrive with the results.

"Mendez family" Dr. Chris called. We all raised our hands as he walk towards us, he flip a few pages looking for the results.

"Trent just finished surgery, the cut is deep which made his lung collapse but he's a lucky man. He has a large pneumothorax which he'll need a chest tube to drain the air and allow his lungs to re-expand, he also have to have a blood transfusion since he lost lots of blood, lucky we've donor a blood bag with his blood type. With lots of rest he'll recover sooner than we expect" Dr. Chris replied.

We all sighed in relief, I asked Dr. Chris if we can go and see Trent, he told us the room number I rushed ahead of everyone. I gasped seeing my baby boy, his chest had a tube helping him to breathe as he cannot breathe on his own. I clench my fist, I contained my anger not wanting to snap in the room. I touched his pale skin, I wished I could of reacted sooner.

"I'm here baby" I whispered.

"We'll come back tomorrow, you staying?" asked Leon

"Yeah you guys go" I said. They handed me my food we've bought earlier but I didn't have the desire to eat. They forced me to drink and eat but I couldn't not knowing my baby died or lived through the surgery. I held his cold hand and kissed it, I knew he's in the same hospital as Penny. I wanted to go see her but with everything going on I didn't have the chance to. I laid my head onto the bed and slowly drift off to sleep whole holding my babies hand.

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