Chapter 5: Moving forward

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I groaned as I rolled over in bed smacking my pillow into my face, 12 years as a fictional skeleton ship child. You would think it would be a dream come true for a fan of Undertale but when you're the only heir to an overprotective, psychopathic father you're not allowed to do much. I haven't even left this dark domain that my parents and uncles call home. 

I've read almost every book in the library, played every prank I could think of, I would do more with my magic, but Father forbid me from all magic but my tendrils without supervision due to...a slight accident.

It's not my fault that Cross had stepped into my knifes line of fire! It didn't even hurt him! It cut his jacket sleeve!

And there was a spider.

With a sigh I rolled off my bed, landing on the floor with a thud and just staying there.


There was sudden knock, I practically leaped up, before almost tripping over my own feet.

After composing myself I went to the door opening it.

Dust stood at the other side.

"Boss wants you" he said simply before teleporting off.

I rolled my eyes, Dust, along with Cross did not like it when they had to give me a message. They had been my main targets when it came to pranks in the past. I left Horror alone mostly; we had mutual respect.

Closing my door behind me I headed for the library. Thats where Nightmare usually was when he wanted to talk with me. Though I was never sure what he wanted to talk about, it ranged from my education, to what I wanted for dinner.

The door to the library was closed, though I just let myself in, the library was like a second room to me at this point. Nightmare was siting, reading something at the moment, he did not look up, simply using a tendril to gesture to a chair. 

I sat down, waiting for him to say what he wanted to say.

After a few moments he set the book down and looked up.

"I'm putting Dust in charge of training you, you start tomorrow."

I stared at him for a few moments before snaping out of it. "Huh?"

Nightmare seemed amused by my response.

"I don't need to be able to read your emotions to tell that you have been bored, and there's no reason to continue to postpone this any longer."

"Right... wait why Dust?"

"Any of the others would go to easy on you."

I nodded in understanding.

"I suggest you go rest; you will be starting early." He picked his book back up, flicking a tendril again, this time in dismissal.

I left feeling dazed. I was not sure how to feel. Sure, I have been bored, but... if I was going to be trained in fighting that meant I would have to use said training... I was not sure if I could kill someone...slightly maim sure...but kill?

Locking my bedroom door I flopped in bed, guess I all I can do his move forward.

A/N: What is this?! Chapter 5???? No, it's not a trick this his being picked up again! I have resurrected this story from the dead to bring more of this wonderful story to YOU my lovely readers. Our dear MC is far from done; more is still to come! 

A/N: There we go! Good job past me! I'm so proud of you! I still have to fix all your grammar mistakes though! LIKE OH MY GOD ever heard of spell check?! And write longer chapters! This one is half as long as normal ones!

(Discontinued) Reborn as CrescentUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum