Chapter 23 : Bloody murder! Did that rat just turn into ...

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James POV .

'Ron!' i screamed panicked as he tried to stand up again ,tried to run away . Just as i was thinking that he made it a dog appeared in view . Shit..

'Sirius!' i cried out as i pushed passed Hermoine trying to reach Ron first , But it was too late , Serious bit him in his leg and pushed him on the ground trying to reach something . Before i could even blink he was gone...with Ron.

'Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah' Ron's screams were getting quieter the farther away he got . 'We must help him' were the first words left my lips .

'Y-You know that dog?' Harry said , frowning like he was trying to think about a reason why i just had called the dog serious ...shit.

'No.well yes but it's not like he's a person or something ' i said nervously glancing towards the whole in the ground a few times.

'Well i-i have seen him a few times before and i decided to give him a name..'

'We are talking about this later!' Hermoine said , almost having a panic attack from what just happened.'While you two are fighting , ron might be dying!' she cried out panicked as she looked at the tree who was still baning on the ground loudly from Left to right.

'Hermoine's right , let's focus on ron first ' I said still nervous but glad that Hermoine had said that.

'But h-' was All I said before Harry started to run , stupid boy. he really is trying to get himself killed isn't he?

Hermoine looked even worse than she was a few seconds ago , suddenly her look of panic and fear was gone and it was replaced by something you rarely saw with Hermoine .

Adrenaline , doing something bad or stupid. that look i knew , it was a look i had seen a few times before on harry, Ty or on myself.

But this is hermoine we're talking about .

I was still frozen on my spot as hermoine glided through the opening in the cave with harry in front of her and i was standing here , doing nothing being frozen thinking about why Hermoine looked like that...

I am useless ...

'Here goes nothing ' i whispered to myself as i began to run towards the Tree , trying to dodge the loud bang who landed a few feet away from me .

'JAMES WATCH OUT!' a heavy voice said as i saw the tree's arm coming closer by the minute , i rolled over Quickly , looking up for a second to see an angry but worried dad standing there it's final i'm dead anyway.

fuck .

'Sorry ! ' i screamed before rolling ,latterly , rolling down the small cave thing . I knew this room too well for my own good , even in the darkest days i could find my way in here blind.

'Watch out! he's-he's '

'Sirious black 'i heard a whisper voice say as i sped down the Stone hall , trying not to slip , this is the second time i have been in here in my human form , it's really hard to run in here without those inhuman senses.

I barged through the door , looking probably a little weird as i tried to look at Hermoine who had a look of betrayal on her face .

'I thought i could trust you!!' she yelled at me , mad as ever .

'You can! '

'I can't trust you! i never could! i knew that i always knew that that's why i have been so distant to you lately i knew you had to do something with black ! why other are you wearing his last name so easily ?without being embarrassed by it?' she yelled to me balling her fists at her sides .

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