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With Hoseok,

At the base,

"Is everything ready?!" he asked.

"Yes boss!!" his men shouted.

"Then let's show that bastard who he messed with" Hoseok was in a rage, his love was caged and he knew his uncle, he would have definitely planned to hurt Yoonie which enraged Hoseok more.

The last time Yoonie was with them, he was brutally beaten and heavily injured, it broke his heart and he knows that this time his uncle would do something like that that's why he has to hurry, hurry to his love, his little, his only dream in the world of his nightmare.

Everyone got in the car and drove to Minato's gang's main headquarters from theirs.


It took them an hour to reach and every passing second of the hour was hell to Hoseok, he couldn't help but think about all the brutal and inhumane things they would do to his Yoonie.

"Let's get ready, it's not a surprise attack for them, they were expecting us. Keep your guards on high for this whole battle until I say the fight is over" Hoseok said as he loaded his gun.

"Yes sir!!" his men said.

One by one everyone got down, they were not exactly at the base, they were at least half an hour away from the base. They thought it would be better that way because if they stopped in front of the base then the opposite gang would be more altered and later it would be a problem for them.

With steep steps, Hoseok's gang entered the radius of Minato's gang's base. They went in slowly but at a good pace.

At the entrance, there were two guards who were killed without any effort by Hoseok's snipers who were a little far away from everyone. They went inside with slow and steady steps.

Hoseok signalled them as they were distributed in groups. One went upstairs, the other was on the same floor and the last one went down to the dungeons. Hoseok decided to go to the dungeons in case Yoonie would want him.

They go down to the dungeons, fully armed and on high alert. Hoseok heard something familiar, Yoonie's voice.

"Stob!!" he would hear Yoonie say. He rushed to voice but he was still on his full guard. His men followed him.

The moment Hoseok reached Yoonie's cage, he sighed in relief seeing that they were just tickling Yoonie.

"Yoonie" the said male immediately looked at the person who called him.

"DADDY!!" Yoonie showed his gummy smile and ran to Hoseok, the cage door was open.

"Are you hurt, baby?" Hoseok asked worriedly. He asked this even though he could see the wounds on his body. Yoonie shook his head and hugged Hoseok tightly to which Hoseok returned the hug and pecked his forehead.

Hoseok looked at the guards who had hearty eyes towards Yoonie and Hoseok knew they wouldn't hurt Yoonie, the emotions held in their eyes said a lot.

Hoseok broke the hug and cupped Yoonie's face "Baby, you stay here for a while, daddy has some work" Yoonie pouted "Daddy promises that he will be back soon"


"Yes, promise"

"Yoonie wants daddy here in one hour"

"As my baby says" Hoseok pecked his cheeks and took him to the guards "Keep him safe, please"

"He is too cute to even be scolded at," one of the guards said, cooing at Yoonie.

Hoseok nodded and walked out of the cage. He patted one of his men's shoulders, indirectly telling them to stay while he completes the other work, his men nodded and went into the cage to play with Yoonie.

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