The Doctrine Of Hope

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You wake, dazzled and confused,

A sun ray hits your face, hair touseled all around, realization dawns and you begin to feel like a recluse,

All hope begans to fade,

A feel of discontent pervades,

The entire hospital building.

And slowly friends trickle in, just to begin chilling,

A sheepish smile begins to spread across your face,

Widened to a grin, as you look at all the pretty flowers in the vase,

There is hope.

But hope implies there is a chance it might go wrong,

So I guess "certainty" is more the name of the song,

Its certain, there is no chance of mishap,

Smudges of tears begin to sprout in beautiful blue eyes,

The diagnosis wasn't really planned,

But hey, even Eminem was banned,

And look at him now, he's on top of the world.

Its simple, smile.

Because no one has a smile as enlightening within miles,

The doctor says, "Lasers."

Simply an acronym for Love Always Shines through Everytime, Remember 2 Smile.

All will be okay.

All you can do now is kneel, hope and pray.

But you will get well soon.

Far before high noon.

Slowly life goes back to normal,

You pick out a gorgeous pink dress as you begin to look stunning in clothing at Formal,

All is well again, and all will be well.

So for now, don't dwell,

Just keep hope.

And love.

If you every need anything,

Just give the phone a ring,

But most importantly....

Stay happy, and love.


The cover was made by Bridget (and QuinnLacey) equally.  I was told the work was done 50-50, so, there you have it.  Thank you so much to the readers, to Wattpad, and mostly Bridget and Quinn.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 19, 2011 ⏰

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