Prologue: Song of Discord

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Standing at the heart of a clearing, Nikita watches as her men gather around her, forming into two circles, one within the other.

The soldiers in the outer circle carry upon their backs massive tower shields, large enough to cover a kneeling man from head to toe. One by one they thrust their shields into the snow, forming a perfect, impenetrable phalanx of steel and flesh.

The soldiers in the inner circle don no such shields. Instead they stand in formation, rifles at the ready.

Though her men were spread apart, the shield wall takes no more than two minutes to complete.

She takes the time to appreciate the swift response from her magi, smiling contently, briefly forgetting about the dread she feels.

Joining her in the inner circle are her lieutenants, Reiter, Hirashi, and Tristram.

Frowning, she turns to Reiter to ask where her fourth lieutenant is. But just then, the air beside her begins to distort.

Golden light flows from a rift in the air, and from it emerges Maxwell. He coolly strolls out from the hole in space and heads straight for her.

"What's happening?"

"What took you?" she asks, her voice devoid of humor.

An officer shouldn't be the last to arrive when a superior calls for a formation.

"I separated myself from my men, sorry. I had to investigate the perimeter."


He stares at her gravely, leaning closer to whisper.

"Something doesn't feel right. Whoever or whatever hit these men isn't here anymore, but the fact that I can't find any traces of the enemy worries me."

He feels it as well. The same primal fear is flowing through his veins.

The rest of her men might share their sentiments, but most seem calm, composed. The fear they felt when they were met with the sight of a hundred dead bodies is long gone, now replaced with a professional stillness.

"I'm getting us out of here." Nikita declares. "I don't care if it's a hunch, my instincts are telling me that we shouldn't be here."

"Wait, wait, are you saying that we're leaving?" Hirashi stomps toward them, her red eyes filled with fury. "Your Grace, it is our duty to find out what happened to these men. The least we can do is honor their ghosts. We can't just abandon them here!"

"There's no time to argue."

Nikita doesn't raise her voice. She only strays her gaze away to focus on the task at hand.

A steel-gloved fist grabs her by the shoulder, dragging her back. The mad eyes of her lieutenant meets her. Her glare is a mix of madness, despair, and rage. Nikita responds with a gaze that lacks aggression.

"Sora," her words are a pleading whisper.

Her friend opens her mouth to yell and curse, but the sound of thunder stops her.

Everyone freezes in place, all eyes turning to the smokey grey sky.

Though dusk dawns close, the ocean of clouds above is nothing but a maelstrom of crimson.

Thick clouds are gathering together, whirling in a howling circle.

It starts slowly at first, but within seconds, a vortex of utter immensity fills the sky from horizon to horizon. Her men stick close, their formation tightening under the bonds of fear that they all so suddenly feel.

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