Jake and the Pirate Treasure

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"We have arrived at our destination."

Jake Bonner took in a deep breath. "Okay, Odin," he said to the computer that controlled his ship, "take a look around. See who wanted us to meet them here."

"Scanning. A Mule-class light transport is approaching from five thousand kilometers distance."

"A transport? Is that it?"

"Yes. Jake, I'm detecting heavy blasters!"

"Raise shields! How many guns?"

"Two forward, and one aft, g-north, and g-south. They're hailing us."

"On screen."

The main screen on the control deck of Jake's ship came to life. Appearing on the screen was the image of a woman. She had short dark hair and a round face. There was a scar on her left cheek. Her expression was blank. "Jake Bonner," she said.


"I'm Captain Maura Firebrand. I'm glad you came."

Jake leaned back in his chair. "You're Mary Fiera?"

"That's me."

"Your ship is rather well armed, Captain."

"It'd have to be for a pirate ship, Mister Bonner."

"Pirate ship?"

She smiled. "Aye, Mister Bonner."

"I thought pirates were a myth, made up by EarthGov officers to make junior officers appreciate the boredom of service." 

"Not at all."

"So, what, you raid other ships? How?"

"I can't tell you all our secrets, Mister Bonner. Let's just say that we research our targets, wait in transit systems like this one, and make liberal use of our appearance and our teleport."

"Okay. Good to know. I think." Jake shook his head. "Why would you need to hire a ship? Clearly you've already got one."

"That we do. But we can't go everywhere. That's why I contacted you."

"Dare I ask how you found me?"

"A mutual associate."

"A criminal associate?"

"Of course."

"Please, don't say anything more."

Firebrand smiled. "I was told you were an ethical sort. That's why I'd like to hire you."

I'm afraid to ask, Jake thought, but it seems I don't have much choice. "For what, Captain?"

"One of my crew died while repairing one of our BFGs. One of the hazards of being outside the law. Anyway, according to the Code, his family is owed his share of our prizes."

"What code?"

"Our Code."

"You have a Pirate Code?"

"Sure. We're outlaws, Mister Bonner, but that doesn't mean we're uncivilized. We have to have a Code. Otherwise we wouldn't be able to trust each other. We'd be killing each other over our take, or ratting each other out."

"I suppose that makes some sense."

"Sure it does! Where do you think the expression 'honor among thieves' came from?"

"I usually used it ironically. Anyway, what's this job of yours, Captain?"

"Our Code says Tam's family is owed his share. There's two problems with getting that share to them."

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