Chapter Seven: Denial

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Chapter Seven:


Bailey & Adrian

"Hey, you know how we're going to my uncle's house tomorrow?" Jesse was being beaten at his own game, Call Of Duty.

"Yeah. What about it?" Adrian killed Jesse's character for the fifth time in ten minutes.

"Natalie invited some of her friends," He paused. "and, my sister's coming with us cuz my parents don't think I can be alone with a bunch of teenage girls."

"Dude, you would die from flirtation poisoning." Adrian winked at Bailey, who was sitting on the floor in front of him.

Bailey giggled- unheard by Jesse- and blushed a bright pink. Ugh. He's so perfect in every way.

"Ha ha ha. You're so funny." Jesse put the controller down. "Screw this! I quit!"

"I'm so glad school's finally out!" Adrian said as he grabbed a soda and tossed one to Jesse

"Yeah!!!" They high-fived. "Do you think you could leave early to go to the cabin? Maybe tomorrow?"

"Why?" Adrian blinked, confused.

"To set up for the 'party' that Natalie decided to throw. With all her friends and their boyfriends.... It'll be pretty big." Jesse begged. "Please!"


"Adrian," Bailey whispered into his ear. "Bad idea. We need to head for the council meeting."

"Be right back." Adrian walked upstairs and walked into the bathroom, followed by Bailey. "Why do I need to go to you council meeting?"

"I need you there. We need your help." Bailey sat on the counter and grabbed his hand. "There are five protectors that when born, that would have the angelic wing mark."

"What is that supposed to mean?"

"When you are an unseen guardian, you have a birthmark that says something about you. When you find you human, that birthmark gains its true colors. Just look at mine." She pulled the back of her shirt up, and on the bottom of  her back, there were two small wings that were white as snow.

"Wow..." He ran his hand over her skin. The mark made a bump in her skin. "So... What does that mean?"

"Noble clans are born with a wing that is kind of like a family crest. But ones like me, born into as a lower class person, they usually are born with something like butterfly , bat, bird, or insect wings." Her hands were ice cold. "There's a prophecy about five of us born with angel-like birthmarks.

"It says that we will save the all who suffer from a great evil. I think that is our council. That's why we nee-"

"Dude, you ok?" Jesse was at the door.

"Fine. I have to get my clothes off the floor. Be down in a minute." Adrian lied.


Bailey waited until Jesse's footsteps were down the hall, "That's why we need to go to the council meeting. I'm positive we're part of the prophecy."

"Look, I'm just a regular teenager. I'm not going to be a superhero and save the world." Adrian walked back to the living room.

"Ok. I can't change your mind."

Colton & Macey

"So? Have you ever kissed a girl?" Macey was being blunt about her questions.

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