Chapter 1~ Mrrp?!

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The Tardis is landing, Clara and the Doctor have reached their destination.

In a daze, as usual after they land. Clara gets up slowly and fixes her hair, and the Doctor fixes his bow tie.

the Doctor takes a quick look outside, and sees they have landed in the Stone Age.

The Doctor was coming to conclusion of what they might encounter there when Clara interrupted him, "Doctor, where are we?"

The Doctor responded with a happy grin, "We have landed in the Stone Age!"

Clara looked disappointed, with her frown turned around she spoke, "Ah! What will we find this time Doctor?"

The Doctor examined Clara's clothes, "Clara, you should change into something more...Stone Agey."

Clara smiled and said, "Could you give me the directions to the wardrobe?"

The Doctor gladly pointed out the directions, Clara finished changing, she walked towards him, the Doctor said, "You look beautiful Clara." Clara playfully curtsied, and grinned brightly at the Doctor. The Doctor looked at her and smiled back.

"Thank you Doctor! You look quite dashing as usual." Said Clara as she was blushing just the slightest bit. The Doctor turned red to. "Well! Let's go out and explore shall we?!" Said the Doctor playfully. "Alrighty then!" As Clara followed the Doctor out the door, the Tardis slammed her doors quite rudely when Clara reached to close it. Clara quickly withdrew her hands before it got caught in the door, and murmured, "What is it now the grumpy old cow?" The Doctor turned around to see what Clara was doing, as it had taken her long enough to close the door. Suddenly a noise came from behind the Tardis. The Doctor and Clara quickly diverted there attention towards the sound. A strange hissing sound came closer toward them. The Doctor said in a rather hurried manner, "Clara get behind me, slowly." Clara slowly made her way behind the Doctor. Clara whispered, a bit worried, she asked, "Doctor, what is it?" The Doctor pulled out his screwdriver and started to scan around. The Doctor said to the unknown sound, "Whatever you are, I'm the Doctor and I'm here to help." A tall dark figure started to appear out of the bushes. It made a quiet noise, "Mrrp?" Questioned the mysterious figure. The Doctor responded, "Don't be afraid, we won't hurt you. You can come out." The Doctor was waiting for it to show it self. Clara was confused, Why wouldn't it show it self? Was it scared? Was it hunting them down? It finally came out, it was a small black...DALEK!? No, it was more like a big black dog with big dark eyes, big teeth, and a tail as long as a dragons, it looked scared and a bit frightened. It was looking as if it was ready to attack, although at the same time it looked at the Doctor as if it felt the same loneliness as he did. The Doctor examined it, and scanned it with its screwdriver,"Blimey! This creature is thousands of years old! I think it's called a Mrrp! These creatures usually travel in packs you know?" Said the Doctor to Clara.

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