Chapter 3- Sharpies are a Girls Best Friend...

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Chapter 3

Sharpies are a Girls Best Friend...



I waited for him in the empty science class. I looked at my phone.


I still had plenty of time till school started and luckily Ms. Peterson has prep period so she isn't here yet. I turned my camera on and un-capped my sharpie. Oh this is going to be good...

I saw his shadowy figure outside the door. He was now opening the door. the lights were off but thanks to a little light from the outside, I could see him but he couldn't see me.

"Hello? Miss?" He was looking around the dark room. I could see the outline of his body. I counted down, 1...2...3..


And soon he was down on the ground, knocked out cold. I laughed at how he's a werewolf yet he can't he fight off a girl. Though it was I suppose I was at a slight advantage over him. But still, it is just so pathetic. I cackled to myself.

I turned the lights back on, locked the door and shut all the shades. Then I went to work, I knew I didn't have too long before he woke up. Werewolves have a bit of a better recovery than humans do.

Oh this too good.



I woke up with a splitting headache and wondering what the hell happened. I rubbed my head and tried to focus my eyes but a splitting pain hit me.

I looked around the room, my memory still a daze. Oh man why did I come in here again? My eyes focused on a single sheet of white paper on the door. I tried to stand up but ended right back on the floor, again. So instead of walking, I crawled.

I crawled over and grabbed the piece of paper. I was confused as to what it said, then I realized it was in another language. French maybe? 

'J'ai gagné cette manche. Comme le nouveau look.' 

-Le Diable'

What the hell does that mean? God, who did this? Le Diable? God, this thinking is hurting. So I put the note in my pocket for later. After about 10 minutes of sitting there to try and stop the throbbing in my head, I decided to check the time.

8:55 am

Oh shit! School! God dammit! I missed first period and could possibly miss second also. On the first day too! I'm so screwed. And Carrie is probably worried sick, since I was supposed to meet her before 2nd period! But the thing that bothered me was; how did I get here?

I finally found the energy to stand up. When I did, I looked around for the first time. I saw posters of dissected frogs and periodic tables. Is this a science room? Why is no one here yet in class? Oh man what happened.

I stumbled to the door and tried to open it. It took a little while but I finally unlocked the door and found myself in an empty hallway. I bet everyone is in second period already and I must have been too focused on the pain I neglected to hear the first bell. But why was I in an empty science room? I grabbed my backpack from the room and started towards my locker.


Outside in the hall, I heard the constant chattering of teenagers. Well at least I won't be fully late for second period. I opened the door still rubbing my head. I walked down the hall to go try and get to my next class but everyone laughing and pointing at me. I touched my face but there was not anything on it that I could feel. I looked at my clothes, nope still normal. That is odd. What are they laughing at? I ran to the men's bathroom and check in he mirror and was angered by what I saw.

On my face, in black sharpie, were the words,

'Keep scowling and you will end up like your cheating bitch of a girlfriend'

I was beyond angry. I was absolutely furious! Not only did this person make a laughing stock of me, with sharpie that is permanent. But in the process, whoever it was dissed my girl, and no one disses my girl! I put my hand in my pocket to look for my phone but it wasn't in there. What the hell!? I know I had my phone before..Oh no! And right there, it all came back to me. When Teagan came and told me a teacher wanted to see me, walking in the science room, then it was all black. Teagan was the one who knocked me out and wrote the letter, whatever it said, and she wrote this. That bitch!

I couldn't just let her get away with this! And also, I have to walk around school like this all day! What is Carrie going to say? Oh god, Teagan is so going to get it! I walked out of the restroom, trying to cover up my face, to minimize the laughing of people walking by. Maybe I had a hat or beanie I could find..

I got to my locker which happened to be six lockers from Teagan's. She saw my face and smirked that cute, little smi--Wait! Cute? Where did that come from? That's weird.

I shook my head to get rid of those poisonous thoughts. She raised her eyebrow and shot me a questioning look as to why I was shaking my head. Then it came to me. A revenge is in order...

So watch out Teagan, payback's a bitch.

Like you.


Copyright 2011©Lovesoreel

Hey guys! Sorry for not uploading when I should but I was major busy and I'm kind of at a temporary road block with this story(No, I'm not putting this on hold) So it's going to be slow for the next..two chapters until the real drama starts to hit. So bare with me(: And thanks to 'Nessie64' for the wonderful covers! :D 

Song at the right: Great song about revenge...At least I think! >>>>





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