Chapter 24: A Sex Chat over Breakfast.

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After the couple announced that not only are they expecting but they're expecting a little girl, their parents were thrilled to hear that news. Of course they'd be happy if it was a little boy but they're happy that the baby is happy and healthy. Matt and Eliese's moms were a bit taken back by how well Eliese was handling this pregnancy. Maybe it was because she was so young the first time around, maybe that's why she was so depressed and struggled with it. But they were both very worried about her physical health, last time things were very bumpy with the pregnancy, labor and delivery. Hopefully this time things will be easier on the soon to be family of four. Carol and Nancy were both very excited to hear that they're going to share a grandbaby. Both mothers knew this would one day happen. Everybody who's ever been around Matt and Eliese long enough to grasp onto the kind of relationship they share would figure they'd end up together one day. And here they are; Eliese is about to have her second daughter and Matt has a step-daughter and a daughter. Not exactly Barbie Dream House kind of family but for now, they're functional. Barbie Dream House can wait.

Matt spent most of his afternoon finishing packing for the rest of the tour, Eliese went to work for a couple hours. She has a presentation to give at the college with Lisa coming up in a couple of weeks. Usually they go and help the beauty students get some professional hands on training. This'll be Lisa's fourth year doing it; it'll be Eliese's first. She was both excited but nervous as well. She doesn't want to come across as amateur.  

Friday night Emily was behaving decently. She made casual conversation with her mom and Matt over dinner. They both were happy to hear that she was going to be in the art show at the end of the School year. Eliese helped her with homework before she went for a bath then watched a movie with her mom and stepdad. Eliese went to bed half way through the movie, she was far too tired to sit through a horror movie. Emily fell asleep closer to the end of the movie, and Matt carried her up to bed before he hit the hay as well, after he shut off all the lights and cleared the dishes so Eliese wouldn't have to do it in the morning.

Eliese spent most of the night making trips to the bathroom, tossing and turning, and feeling the baby fluttering around. Genevieve refused to sleep at night time, she was a nocturnal baby and it was severely interfering with Eliese's life. Luckily, Eliese getting up every few minutes didn't affect Matt at all. He stayed asleep all night, mainly because at around two in the morning Eliese decided to go downstairs. She lay on the couch, wrapped in a throw blanket and watched some late night television. She flipped through the channels before finding something that made her angry but curious, she ended up watching an MTV show called '16 & Pregnant'. She immediately felt repulsed by it.

'These girls got pregnant at such a young age; they're throwing their lives away. For what? Because some horny teenage boy said that he loves her?' Eliese commented mindfully. If Eliese could go back in time and prevent herself from sleeping with Nathan she would. It's not that she doesn't love Emily, she loves Emily enough to wait until she was old enough and more mature, and able to provide properly.

'These girls think this is some kind of game. They have a world of hurt and struggle coming to them.' Eliese thought to herself as she watched these children carry themselves as women. They're not women, they are babies themselves. They're in High School still, they still rely on their moms and dads to make sure their rooms are clean and they bathe. Eliese wants to slap these girls for being so irresponsible. She was thirteen years-old when she got pregnant, that's the seventh grade! She'd only been a "woman" for six months before she got pregnant. She hadn't even gotten her period for a full year before she found out she was expecting Emily. Eliese was a late bloomer, according to the sex ED teacher. Hopefully Emily isn't too. It was because Eliese was a late bloomer that she had gotten pregnant in the first place. She was eager to catch up with the other girls; turns out she was way ahead of them. She was the first one to have sex in that grade. Eliese doesn't want Emily to be a late bloomer then go wild when she hits womanhood, that's the worst possible outcome.

Eliese spent all night flustered about how many teen girls are getting pregnant, not only did she reflect on her past decisions but it made her worry about Emily and Genevieve's future decisions. She couldn't stop replaying something Matt said the day before: "I can tell she's going to be a lot like you though."What if Emily does everything right and still ends up a teenage mother? What if some horny teenage boy promises love in exchange for sex? Will Emily and Genevieve be able to say no? Will they at least do it safely? Eliese needs to protect her girls. She's sure Matt would agree with her on this. They'd both want the girls to be protected in every way possible. How is the birth control pill any different than making sure paedophiles stay out of the suburbs? Eliese doesn't want the girls' lives to be ruined if they're not properly protected. There really is no difference. A paedophile ruins childhood, same does becoming a teen parent. Yes the magnitude between the two are very different but in a sense, they're the same.

Matt woke up to the bright spring sun shining in through the bedroom window. He cringed a bit before rolling out of bed. He noticed Eliese wasn't in bed, he assumed she woke up before he did and decided to go downstairs. Well, he's not wrong.

Eliese heard him coming down the hallway and down the stairs. Eliese took note that he had shimmied on a pair of sweats before coming downstairs. His short black curly hair was frazzled and sticking out in every direction. His blue eyes found Eliese sitting on the couch.

"As soon as Emily starts her period we're putting her on birth control." Eliese spat out immediately. Matt blinked a few times at her, completely gobsmacked by what she just said. It was eight in the morning and she starts his day off with that. His eyebrows furrowed as he cocked his head to the side, holding up his index finger.

"What?" He proclaimed in disbelief. He didn't want to think that he just heard what he just heard. He didn't want to believe the words actually came pouring out of Eliese's mouth that easily this early in the morning. Eliese pulled herself up from the couch and nodded at him.

"As soon as Emily starts ovulating and menstruating she's going on the contraceptive birth control pill, patch, shot, I don't care she is getting her birth control." Eliese told Matt at the bottom of the stairs. He nodded, realizing that she did in fact say what he feared she said. Eliese led the way into the kitchen, Matt followed with a list of questions and concerns.

"Where did this come from?" Matt asked, trailing behind Eliese. Eliese looked over her shoulder at her boyfriend.

"I watched a show last night called sixteen and pregnant,"

"Emily is six years away from being sixteen." Matt interrupted Eliese's short story about her sudden decision to put Emily on the pill when she hits puberty.

"Yes, but yesterday you said she's a lot like me, and if memory serves, I got knocked up at thirteen. Emily's closer to being thirteen than she is being sixteen." Eliese explained as she started making coffee for the two of them.

"But that means she has to be sexually active in order to get knocked up. Haven't you given her "the talk" yet?" Matt questioned using his fingers as quotation marks. Eliese suddenly felt a bit guilty and unprepared to answer that. She hasn't given Emily the birds and bees talk yet. She's in fourth grade, she'll be learning about that stuff soon. Eliese always wanted Emily to come to her if she had any questions about sex or reproduction, or anything. But Eliese hasn't given Emily anything to question or be curious about.

"No, I thought we'd give her the talk." Eliese was honestly scared of giving Emily the sex talk; she didn't want to admit that her baby was growing up. Ten years went by quickly, now there are only eight more to go before she's an adult.

Matt chuckled with risen eyebrows.

"We? Where did we come into this?" Matt asked lively. Eliese grinned up at him and shook her head.

"When you decided to become her stepdad and knock me up." Eliese commented cheekily. Matt nodded and stopped chuckling.


Hey guys!

I apologize for not updating regularly lately. I was fostering three dogs (a mama and two pups). Anyways, hopefully I'll be back to normal now. I hope you enjoyed this update. Don't forget to: Read, vote, comment, and spread the word of social life ruining fan fiction!


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