Heir to the Elements 3: Salvation

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Only a few months ago, humanity had believed itself the sole intelligence to have ever graced the universe, although the possibility of other life seemed more than possible, they were yet to find any evidence to prove whether or not they were alone in the universe. So they continued on, unknowing of what had come to pass on the very planet they called home, long before memory was an idea.

One day, two men walked into the Sar city bank wearing dark clothing and concealed faces. One pulled out a knife and yelled for everyone to get down, a guard reached for a sidearm and was immediately impaled by the wicked knife from across the room. The throw, regardless of how accurate it had been was nowhere near as shocking as what would follow. The knife, embedded in the man’s chest, wrenched itself out of the lifeless guard and flew back across the room into one of the robbers hands.

People panicked. However, a brave clerk managed to set off the alarm and the police arrived on the scene. Instead of bullets from the would be bank robbers, they were met with fireballs from the palms of the larger of the two bank robbers. The events following this spiralled out of control, ending in the death of a squad of SWAT officers who attempted to confront the bank robbers.

However things changed when another two mysterious individuals with unearthly powers confronted the bank robbers. The battle decimated an entire street with lightning bolts and fireballs flying through the air while metal objects began moving as if on their own accord to strike at the newcomers.

In the end, one of the individuals managed to escape while the remaining three were taken into custody. The Intelligence Service questioned the individuals and what they found shocked not only them but rocked the very foundation of human knowledge. These individuals had been frozen in long before the dinosaurs had walked the Earth. They had belonged to a race known as the Elementals, now however, only one from each Elemental tribe remained. One individual with the ability to control the elements of fire, air, electricity, light, shadow, water, earth, metal, ice and even nature itself.

Now the nations of the world have gathered to discuss their new findings, along with a very concerning problem, the defection of Sar City’s intelligence forces Director, who forged an army of half Elemental, half human soldiers and has, for the moment, taken complete control of Sar city. He shows no signs of stopping with one city.

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