Half a Dozen...Horses? Chapter 25...

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Ok so new Chapter, if this one has a good response i reckon ill get another chapter out as soo as i can.  Anyway enjoy and let me know if you liked it.  Also please remember this is in its raw format coming to you fresh out of my head, unedited so that i can get it out asap just for all the fans.  Well enjoy all xxx


Chapter 25…

The sheriff arrived at the horse early the next morning and he and George were sitting discussing the events of the previous day when Dani walked into the room followed more sluggishly by Jim, who took one look at his father’s grinning face and rolled his eyes.

The sheriff greeted them both warmly as Dani got fresh coffee for everyone.  Once they were all settled the sheriff took statements from both Dani and Jim and asked a few more questions, before gathering together all his notes and packing the folder Dani and Jim had found safely away in his briefcase.

“Well, I think that we have more than enough evidence and now a motivation to reopen this cause, as soon as I can verify the ownership of this horse and we do some more digging I’m sure that we will be able to find the people responsible for this.  Hopefully Dani you will have some peace of mind in that department at least.”  The sheriff smiled weakly at Dani as he prepared to leave.

“Thanks sheriff I know you will do everything that you can.”  Dani smiled back, as she sunk back into Jim’s chest.

“Yup.”  With a nod to George and Jim he let himself out and minutes later his truck fired up and faded away as he drove off.

“Well, what’s for breakfast?”  George shouted pleasantly, making everyone at the table jump.  Mary’s head popped in a second later, frowning at him.

“What do you think you’re trying to achieve shouting out hints like that?”  Mary asked glaring at him.

“Well I just know how you don’t like me messing with your kitchen so I figured I would ask first if you had prepared some of your fine cooking before I turned this place into a drive by.”  George grinned back from ear to ear but Mary simply arched an eyebrow at him completely unconvinced.

“You know Mr Doyle,” Dani said quietly.  “One of these days you’re going to be wearing your breakfast if you’re not careful.”  At her soft words everyone in the rooms mouth dropped open, all except Mary who burst out laughing.

“Well spoken, Dani, took the words right out of my mouth, you better watch your back with this one Jim,” Mary said chuckling, high fiving Dani as she bustled into the kitchen to get things ready for breakfast.  Both men had stupid smiles on their faces and George raffled Dani’s hair with a laugh as he passed by her to give his wife a good morning kiss.  When he reached her he spun her around and dipped her finishing the display with a kiss before pulling her up next to him.

“George!”  Mary exclaimed in shock trying to straighten out her gown.

“Morning Wifey.”  George replied grinning.  “How can I help you with breakfast?”

“Oh you are impossible.”  Mary laughed.

Dani turned to look up at Jim and smiled softly as he kissed her on the forehead.  He tightened his arms around her and rested his chin on her shoulder when Dani turned around again, both of them smiling as Jim parents goofed around with each other in the kitchen making breakfast.

Sam swaggered in just as Mary was putting the food on the table.

“How the hell do you do that?”  Dani asked laughing as he sat down and piled his plate full of food.

Half a Dozen...Horses? Book 1Where stories live. Discover now