Chapter 12-Fill in the Blanks

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Hey people sorry about the long wait. It was all explained in my authors note. Oh yeah does anyone remember the name 'Aisling'? You don't? Then re-read the summary.Sorry this is a short chapter the next couple of chapters will probably be short as well. I have been really busy with school so I haven't had the time. I promise that I'll update whenever I can.


Ella's P.O.V

We soon arrived at my old house.I wanted to run through the halls and revisit every room and reminisce with Holly and Harry. But most of all I wanted to reminisce with Damian. Man, I miss him.

Currently I was in my old room, sitting on my old bed. The mayor of the small town kept the house nice. The reason behind it is that he's a vampire and a good friend of my father's.

I sighed and laid back on the soft bed. I heard a groan next to me and was pulled into Dustin's embrace. Yup, we were sharing a room. He was starting to turn for blood lust when Blood-Wind said Dustin should sleep in a different room. Ever since the accident(mind you that nobody still explained to me yet) his possessiveness has increased ten fold. He won't even let me go to the barroom without telling him. It's getting really annoying, but hey, I still love the guy to pieces.

I signed once again and pull the covers over us and snuggle with my mate. Hopefully I'll be met with a peaceful slumber.


Dustin's P.O.V

How dare they. How dare Blood-Wind and my brother try and make me sleep in a room without my precious mate. I could barely sleep without some sort of nightmare about my little Ella getting hurt or dying or something. I hated it. I didn't expect being mated would be this hard.

That's because we're not fully mated you idiot. Sneered my wolf. And they don't want us to finish it yet anyway.

What do you mean? We marked each other. I asked.

Yeah but you didn't mate. He said I like it was obvious.

What? I was half asleep at the moment, awoken by another nightmare, and couldn't think straight.

He growled at me and sighed in frustration. You're an idiot boy. You guys have to MATE. As in like MATE.

I flushed and starred down at my pure little Ella as I got what he meant. Oh.

He snickered. She won't be so pure soon.

Why the heck didn't you tell me this sooner? I asked in anger.

Why do you think no one mates when they're fourteen? You hit your head to much. He sighed. There won't be any severe side affects to not mating. You could probably last about a year or two without it, seeing as we're strong. But, only the more fun it'll be when the time comes.

You're gross.

Hey, i am half of your soul boy, I know those certain 'dreams' you use to have. I can easily break through and tell her.

She'd be mad at you too you idiot. I pointed out.

Uh, night. My wolf left after that. Figures.

I turn my attention back to my sleeping mate. I smile as I stroke her hair.she's going to kill me when I tell her about the mating with her. That or her father will kill me. I'm seriously screwed. I sigh loudly, causing Ella to stir. Crap.

Her eyes flutter open and a small smile graces her red, slightly dry, lips. "Hi." she murmurs as she snuggles closer to me.

"Hey." I kiss her temple gently. "What are you doing up?"

"I'm a night person." She shrugs. She twirls her finger in a circular motion. "Vampire, remember?"

I chuckle lightly. "I can tell. Just go back to sleep okay?"


" 'Cause you need your rest." I state.

She jabs her finger in my chest with a, "You do too Mister Dustin."

I sighed. She is a weird little one. But I love her none the less.

"Lets both go to sleep then." I whisper, sneaking a kiss to her lips.

"Fine. Tomorrow I can show you some of my favorite places here."She said excitedly.

"Deal." I murmured.


Hazel's P.O.V.

Aisling sighed as she flopped on her bed. "Why do we have to follow them again?"

"The girl, she may be the one." I said simply.

"If she's 'the one' then why can't I make a move on sexy werewolf boy?" she asks.

"Because she may not be. Plus they are mates, neither would like you trying to make advances on the werewolf."

"If they're mates then how is she 'the one'?" Grace asks as she steps out of the bathroom. She wore her usual nightgown, like Aisling and me, and her red hair in a bun.

"That is the odd thing. She emanates the power of the one we're looking for. Also she was able to withstand the power of both her and the slayer's attacks, only being able to slow her death. That is something only she can do." I explained.

"Then if she is able to do all this why don't we just present her?" Aisling asked.

"You think he will just let her go? They are mates." I scold.

"Yeah, they love each other." Grace says sadly.

I sit down next to her on her bed and rub her back soothingly. She rests her head on my shoulder. I know my sisters long for love, but we can't have it.

"We will retrieve her once we have the cold hard truth. Until then we will continue with the plan. Only the plan."


Sorry if there's any spelling mistakes. Un-edited. Vote and Comment for the next chapter!

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 08, 2013 ⏰

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