Chapter 4- Lobster & Lockets

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Reina's locket! I wish i had one like it XD ---->


When I woke up it wasn't as bright as it was earlier.

It's so quiet. I wonder how long I've been asleep. I pulled back the curtain that surrounded the bed. The sky was full of warm colors and fluffy clouds. The sun was a ball of glimmering orange that was too bright to look at. I can't believe the sun's setting already. 

The door opened and the nurse strolled in wearing a cute blue sweater and jeans. 

"Oh good your awake. Your mother should be here in a few minutes to take you home." 

"Oh, okay. Sorry for keeping you here. I had no idea I would sleep so long."

She laughed and shook her head. "Don't worry about it. Sleep is good for you." I gave her a real smile this time.

She's such a nice lady. I bet she's only in her early twenties. By the look of her fashion and the way she talks anyway.

Someone knocked on the door, my mother I supposed. She walked right past the nurse and pulled me into a tight squeeze. "Rei are you alright? The nurse told me everything that happened." Everything? Unfortunately that's not what actually happened but for now I'll just let her believe that. 

"I'm fine Mom. It's just a sprained ankle. That's all." She released me from her death grasp and looked to the nurse. 

"Thank you for everything. Reina is such a klutz!" I mentally glared at her. 

"Not at all. If she ever needs anything she knows where to find me." 

"Thank you Ms..." I never found out what her name was.

"Aliciya is fine." That's such a pretty name! I like this lady more every minute. 

"Well we better get going. Hopefully the next time we meet it won't be here." 

Mom chuckled and walked out of the room. I followed, or more like hobbled. Aliciya waved as we left.

It was dinner time when we reached home. 

Since Mom picked me up Dad had to cook dinner. Dad wasn't a bad cook, but he wasn't as good a cook as Mom. 

"Rei-Rei!" Dad came running at me like a five year old but I moved out of the way and he ran into the door. I tried to hide my smirk. 

He rubbed his forehead and looked at me with big eyes and pouty lips. "Are you okay? Are you gonna be alright? What will I do if something happens to my little Rei-Rei!" I rolled my eyes while smiling. 

Dad tends to overreact a little. Okay, make that a lot. But I know he only does it out of love and concern, which makes me feel happy to have such wonderful parents.

"I'm fine. I'm a tough girl! No need to worry." I held up my fist and flexed to show my strength.

"Haha, that's good to hear." He patted my head and gave me a loving smile. "Just be careful," he said quietly, while looking somewhat concerned.

He also has a serious side, but I don't see it very often. It makes me glad that he doesn't always act childish, yet a bit nervous at the same time.

"Ahh, it smells delicious!" I looked over at the table to see Mom getting a whiff of the food. I didn't even noticed she moved. 

"Right. Let's eat now. I made the meal special for Rei-Rei." Dad gestured me to sit. My face lit up when I saw my favorite meal on the table. 

"Lobster with snow crab and shrimp dipped in butter!" I'm a big fan of seafood, however we didn't eat it very often so this was definitely a treat.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 09, 2014 ⏰

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