Prank War [16]

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    My first instinct was to run and hide, so I did. I moved behind a row of lockers, just out of sight from the door. I peaked up to see Max look at me and laugh.

    I looked towards the door and saw that Caden had walked in.

    Really. Of all the guys, it had to be Caden? I swear fate is trying to make fun of me.

    “Oh, hey,” Max greeted Caden as he closed Jack’s locker door. Then he turned towards my direction, and I quickly sank down behind the lockers again, hoping Caden hadn’t caught sight of me.

    “Ariane, you can come out now,” Max practically yelled. I felt my cheeks start to flush.

    I was definitely going to have a little talk with him about manners.

    “Ari?” Caden asked, like he was highly amused. With a silent groan, I stood up and tried to look casual. I crossed my arms in front of my chest.

    “What?” I was very aware that my cheeks were burning red now. Max was so going to pay for this.

    “You’re a horrible lookout,” Max answered, with a smirk, “You’re supposed to tell me when someone’s coming, not run and hide. Just be glad it was Caden, and not some other guy.”

    Actually, I wished that it could have been some other guy. Anyone else in the world would have been fine. And I was definitely going to have a talk with Max now.

    “And you thought she would be a good lookout?” Caden let out a small laugh, “In the guys’ locker room?”

    “Hey, I had no other choice,” Max was clearly enjoying this.

    “What are you doing here?” I wanted to veer this conversation away from me, “Didn’t you have Gym already?”

    Caden turned to look at me, his gentle smile still lingering on his face. His brilliant blue eyes seemed to shine with laughter. I felt my heart give a quick jump.

    Shut up, I told my heart bitterly.

    “My science teacher is giving us extra time to work on this project. I already finished it long ago, and the gym teacher needed some help,” Caden paused for a brief second and shrugged, “So here I am.”

    “And you chose this moment to walk in?” I suddenly asked resentfully before I could stop myself. My cheeks flushed even more, if that was even possible.

    He smiled, “Don’t worry, it’s not … that embarrassing. I won’t tell anyone, if that’s what you’re worried about.”

    “That’s not,” I murmured, glancing down at the floor.

    “Then what is it?” Max cut in, looking interested. He looked back and forth between Caden and I.

    Awkward silence filled the locker room.

    Finally, Caden cleared his throat, “About that … Could I talk to you? Maybe on Monday?”

    “I don’t know,” I said, trying to keep my voice casual, “If I’m not too busy.”

    I didn’t exactly feel joyous that he wanted to talk to me. And Monday! That was three days away. If he really cared, he would have wanted to talk to me right away.

    Maybe he’s just trying to help me pick up the hint that he’s not interested. Silence filled the locker room once again.

    “But you know,” I began, “I don’t want to take up your time. I mean, you’re probably really busy with school, and friends …” I paused, “girlfriends,” I added quickly, “And school.”

    Caden let out a quiet chuckle, letting me know that he heard what I said.

    “Well, I should get going,” he said, and with a last glance, he walked to the other side of the locker room. Then he disappeared through the other door.

    So he didn’t deny that he had a girlfriend. He didn’t admit it, but he didn’t deny it.

    It made all the difference.

    “So,” Max began casually, making his way towards me, “Shoot me if there’s nothing going on between you and Caden.”

    “Give me a gun,” I told him, not in the mood, “And I’ll be glad to shoot you.”

    He pretended to look offended, “Well excuse me for stating the facts.”

    “There is nothing going on between me and Caden,” I told him as firmly as possible, “And do you know anything about other people’s feelings?”

    “What are you talking about?” he asked innocently.

    “Do you know how embarrassing that was? You could have just let me hide in my amazing hiding spot. Caden wouldn’t have to know about any of this.”

    “Why? Someone’s got a crush, huh?” Max smirked.

    I slapped his arm, but not as hard as I would have liked to, “No. Would you be embarrassed if you were discovered in the girls’ locker room?”

    “No,” Max answered, but I caught the slight flicker of hesitation.


    “I’m not a liar.”

    “Liar, liar pants on fire,” I crossed my arms in front of my chest.

    “Look again, genius. My pants aren’t on fire.”

    “I’m never helping you again,” I said hotly, making my way towards the door – the beautiful exit that I longed for.

    “Hey, don’t say that,” Max said as he walked behind me, “Fine. Do you want an apology?”

    “No. I don’t believe in apologies,” I turned around to face him once we were on the other side of the door.

    “Good, cause I wasn’t going to apologize anyways,” he said, “Look, I’m going to make it better for you, kay? I’ll talk to Caden, and find out if he likes you or … if he likes you. And then … well, just don’t forget to invite me to your wedding, cause I want to be there to say ‘I told you so!’.”

    “Don’t!” I half-yelled, scared that he would actually do it, “You ruin everything. Just, don’t help me.”

    “Oh come on,” Max said, “It’s obvious you two are in love. I’ll just help you get through the awkward phase of finding out the other one’s feelings.”

    “It’s not obvious,” I snapped, then quickly added, “Because it’s not true.”

    “I can tell, Ariane. I was his best friend, remember? And besides, everyone knows relationships start with nicknames.”


    “He called you Ari, remember?”

    “So?” I retorted.

    “It’s a nickname, isn’t it?”

    I opened my mouth and then closed it. Crap. I hesitated.

    Max smiled in victory, “I’ll go talk to him. I wouldn’t be surprised if I found you two making out by tomorrow morning.”

    I made a face, even though my heart didn’t feel that way, “Just please stay out of this.”

    We started walking down the hallway in unison.

    “You two obviously have feelings for each other,” Max told me again.

    “You know what? I’ll be happy to light your pants on fire if you don’t stop.”

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