Chapter 2: Bound to Darkness

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Later that same evening, Raven sat in her room with her legs crossed on her yoga mat. Her back was impeccably straight, the only time she ever sat with perfect posture. Her hands rested palm up on her knees, her chin extended to the ceiling as she inhaled in the sweet smell of lavender and sandalwood. 

The incense burned a lovely haze around the room, barely visible by the moonlight. All around the room she had lit her endless array of cream candles, with a single colored candle at each of the four Cardinal Directions, yellow in the East, red in the South, blue in the West, and green in the North. 

As she took in another deep breath of incense, she visualized herself drawing from the earth's energy, cleansing her soul, and filling her with its presence. A small smile lit her face as her hair lifted slightly in an unseen wind. The smell of saltwater and sweet grass replaced the smell of her incense while her skin tingled all over from the warmth of a summer sun. When she opened her eyes, she was no longer in her room.

Laughing in delight, she stood, twirling around in a childish like way. Her lavender sun dress billowed out around her, shimmering as it replaced the yoga pants and tank top that her earthly self still wore. In this realm, she was much more lively, her pale skin radiant, her dark hair in naturally unruly curls around her shoulders. Her astral projection was the essence of her and her magic, must prettier than her earthly form. 

She skipped to the water, leaning down to cup some in her hands. Raven lifted it to her lips, blowing slightly across the surface as she whispered a chant.A breeze stirred the water and her hair, indicating the spell's success. She whirled around with a wide grin and kneeled before the beautiful woman before her.

The goddess' hair was the color of moonlight, a pool of light around her maiden face. A dress the color of pine trees flowed over her body, moving with an unseen wind. She radiated light and power, a pure smile lighting her stormy eyes.

"Blessed be, my sweet child," her voice carried to Raven's ears, a soft melody that was unforgettable.

"Blessed be, my goddess," she replied, down-casting her eyes in respect.

"Now, Ravensara, you needn't address me as such. Goddess is my title, but Diana is my name. There is no need for formality, daughter." A hand gently lifted her chin so that she would look the maiden in the face. "No more kneeling."

Obediently, she rose to her feet, placing a hand in Diana's as she extended it.

This Goddess was the Mother of all Light Witches, the keeper of the moon and protector of virtue. With any questions, Raven never hesitated to ask her.

"Diana, I had an encounter today. What happened? What did I do?" She asked, a frightened expression crossing her face. She knew the goddess had seen all things and knew what had occurred in the park.

Diana guided the young witch to the edge of the water once more, sweeping her arm out over the shimmering surface. "Tell me, child, what do you know of our history?" The goddess asked in her melodious voice.

"I know of you, Diana, and your opposite, Hekate. I know that the two of you represent the opposite sides of the yin-yang, you the Light and Hekate the Shadows." Raven spoke softly, watching as the surface rippled before producing an image of a young Diana and Hekate. Both were incredibly beautiful women, even in their early years.

"Yes, we represent the two realms. That is true. Witches have been practicing for as long as mankind had existed. From Shamans to fortune tellers, witches are everywhere. But you knew that already, didn't you?" Raven nodded, so the goddess continued. "No other supernatural beings existed. Lycanthropes had not yet been created by Artemis, my Greek sister, and the veil between the realm of the living and the realm of the dead was impenetrable by all except Persephone, Hekate, and Hades himself. Any spirits that crossed over were unable to return to the living.

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