Open To Me

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Derek P.O.V

The forest was dark, but my super human sight led me through the dark foliage. I could hear his labored breaths behind me as I raced away; it was an age old battle between haunter and prey and I was getting damn tired of it. So I'm a werewolf. So fucking what?!

He was trying to shoot me with bullets laced with wolfsbane and I needed to get away. Fast. Up ahead, I saw a tall tree, so I picked up my pace and leaped as high as I could, landing on a high branch where I waited and listened, trying to even out my breaths.

"Derek, I know you can hear me!" he yelled. He'd come to a stop underneath the same tree I was perched in, "I will catch you, and when I do, I will kill you." He glanced left and right scouting for any sign as too where I could be. The sound around us stilled, but my labored breath thundered in my ears. He waited a few more seconds, smirked and, then he walked back into the forest, alone.

Argent was turning into a real problem and something about him had to be done soon, but for now I stayed where I was. Once I saw the sun rising, I jumped down and ran home.

I burst through the ashen door of my home, furious. None of my pack was there. Of course they weren't, they were at school and thank goodness for that; I was too upset to be around a bunch of hormonal teenagers.

I needed to talk to Scott though, but that would have to wait. I had some things to take care of. My stomach was protesting its emptiness rather loudly. Upon checking the refrigerator, I found that it was empty save for some eggs way past expiration date, and a half-gallon of whole milk which sat in the very back. I slammed the refrigerator door in frustration. We needed groceries badly.

So instead I went to my bed; if I could not eat, I could at least sleep.

Five hours later I awoke with a crook in my neck. "Damn it!" I growled, stretching my neck and popping my back. My stomach grumbled loudly and I bounded down the stairs for the kitchen. I opened the refrigerator and remembered why I hadn't eaten earlier. I slammed the door again and pulled out my cellphone. No missed calls or texts.

Where the hell was Scott?

I wondered if he had already heard what had happened between me and Argent from Allison. I wondered if she even knew. Argent wasn't one of the most open people out there.

Fine. If I couldn't get Scott, I would have to go for the next best thing.


I stuffed my phone back into my pocket and headed to the door, grabbing my leather jacket on my way out. I hopped in my car; I liked to call her my black beauty. Lame, I know, but her paint was as black as my heart. I pushed the speed limit all the way to his house.

Stiles's beat up jeep was sitting in the driveway. I had left black beauty some houses down. No one needed to know there was a link between me and this police officer's kid. I went to the front door and jiggled the handle. I was surprised to find it unlocked which put me on high alert. Would Argent try to do anything to Stiles as a way to try to get at me? I crept into the living room trying hard to be quite, but a glass was sitting on the carpet. It made a dull thud, but the sound was enough to signal someone was here.

"Oh! Who the h-" he came running out the kitchen with a cast iron skillet, brandishing it around like a crazed man until he saw me. The terror in his eyes vanished, only to be replaced with a smug look, "It's just you." he stated, as if I was nothing but a speck of dirt. I snorted,

"Yeah, it's just me. Where is Scott?" I mentally thanked god that it was only Stiles.

"Not his keeper. Call him." I sighed and shoved past him. Seeing that skillet had me hungry all over again. I went to the refrigerator and dove in; surly they had something good.

"Hey! Get your wolf ass out of my fridge! I don't need you eating us out of house and home." He flopped down in a chair at the island. I pulled out sandwich meat, cheese, mustard, tomato, lettuce and the bread from the cabinet. I placed it all in front of Stiles and put hefty amounts of everything between two pieces of bread.

He was looking at me with disgust, but I just took an enormous bite of the sandwich and smiled at him with mustard dripping down my face. I took two more bites then drank orange juice straight from the carton.

"Hey! Don't do that, you animal!" he snatched the bottle from my hands and put it back. "You should leave." He poked me in the chest and I smirked, a low growl emitted in my throat. He visibly cringed. I took a step toward him and he took one back, "I need Scott." He looked scared and I liked that. I may not have turned him, but my strength was asserted over him.

"Fine!" He threw his hands up, "I'll call him. Wait down here." he walked up the stairs and I followed, anyway. I knew he knew I was behind him because his back tensed then sagged as if in defeat. His room was not dirty, but you couldn't call it clean either. It was more cluttered than anything.

He grabbed his cell off the nightstand and punched in the numbers. I stood around awkwardly gazing at his unusually bare walls until I glanced at his computer screen. There was an image with a big bearded man swinging an axe, but it was the title that caught my eye.

It read, History of Hunters.

 I walked closer to the screen to view the writhing. The article was saying something about how hunters derived from a clan of Hungarian people who lived on an unknown island. They moved there for religious freedom but upon settling they came in contact with other worldly creatures. Out of fear they attacked them to protect themselves. Then Stiles very big head was blocking the screen; I must not have heard him hang up. I tried to scroll down, but he blocked my hand. This kid had the urge to be killed didn't he? I had never in my life met someone so uncoordinated and spastic.

"He didn't pick up. What do you need him for anyway?" He swiveled in the seat, face right next to mine, his breath blowing in my nose. He looked at me expectantly, but I froze, tense. A wonderful scent had filled my nostrils, taking me by surprise and throwing my mind off kilter. I felt drunk and high at the same time, something I had never experienced in reality.

I was aroused. More aroused then I'd ever been in my life. My body was screaming at me to take, not to think but act on basic instinct. Where was that scent coming from? It smelled like prey and... Sex. Something I wanted to take and devour.

"Derek?" I heard Stiles huff out.


Fucking impossible!

Why was that smell coming from Stiles?

Without thinking I turned his chair and roughly brought my hand to his neck, tilting his head up. His neck looked so pale and inviting and I had the urge to sink my teeth in and taste him. I rushed forward, but stopped short, trying to shake the hazy fog of sexual desire from my mind.

What was I doing? This was Stiles, not some seductive porn star. He was Scott's best friend and annoying peasant in my life. I looked down at Stiles; his big brown eyes were wide with fear. I released him and ran for the window.

Someone help me!

I nearly raped this kid!

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