Who Are You?: Canada

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This chapter is dedicated to LuuuuvmyGrell, who requested it and my bestest friend Sarah who moved to Canada last year. Enjoy the fluffyness, guys.


 Bright light flooded your vision, stinging your sensitive corneas.  A steady ringing droned in your ear and the smell of harsh cleaner invaded your nostrils. An aged man in a long white coat entered the room. "Where am I?" you asked him, your voice dry and scratchy.

 "You're in the hospital, receiving treatment after serious injuries sustained during a car crash," the doctor explained as he checked and made notes over the monitors beside your bed.

 "Oh," was all you could say. You didn't remember being in any car crash. You didn't even remember your own name. The doctor wouldn't have any reason to lie to you though, and the ugly bruises and scratches covering your arms confirmed his story, so you believed him. You watched him move about the room doing doctor stuff before daring to ask, "How long have I been here?"

 The doctor looked steadily into your eyes at that moment, a grave look on his lined face. "You have been in a coma for a little over a month now. You had suffered severe head trauma and it was starting to look as if you weren't going to make it. Luckily for you, your boyfriend wouldn't let us pull the plug. His stubbornness saved your life," the doctor said.

 Just then, the door opened and another man walked in. This gentleman was younger than the doctor -- late teens to early twenties -- and considerably better looking. He stopped to stare at you as if he were seeing a ghost before he broke into a wide grin. "______, you're awake. I'm so glad." His soft voice was filled with emotion and his indigo eyes swam behind his wire-framed glasses. He crossed the room and knelt beside your bed to plant a kiss on your temple. "How are you feeling, sweetie?" he said as he lovingly stroked your cheek.

 "I'm fine. I'm sort of tired and my head and throat hurt a little but otherwise... who are you?" you said. This boy was a nice sight to wake up to and you found his touch to be comforting, but he was a total stranger as far as you were concerned.

 The guy looked stricken. "W-What...? You... don't remember me..." he said, his voice even softer than before.

 The doctor placed a comforting hand on his shoulder. "I'm sorry, son. It appears she's developed amnesia," he said in as gentle a tone as he could manage.

 "Is there anything I can do to help her get her memory back?" the boy said, desperation in his eyes.

 "The only thing I think you can do is try to stimulate her memory. Tell her about things you've done together. Take her to her favorite places. With luck, it'll all come back to her," the doctor said.

 The boy turned and grasped your hand tightly in his. "I promise, ______. I'll bring you back to me, no matter what it takes," he said before hesitantly kissing your lips. It was a bold move considering that you felt as though you had just met him. "I have to get to work, babe. I'll see you tomorrow," he said as he got up to leave. Once at the door, he turned to you and said in a very serious tone, "I love you, ______. Please remember that," and left.

 Later, you had snuck out of your room to take a walk around the hospital. You were stiff from laying in bed for a whole month. As you casually strolled down the halls of the hospital, you thought of the young man from earlier who had kissed you so tenderly. He seemed so in love with you and you were sure that, a month ago, you loved him, too. You wished you could remember what it was that made him love you so much, but right now, you counldn't even remember his name.

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