Harry Styles Imagine

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Imagine you and harry were cuddling on your bed, talking. All of a sudden, the lights flicker and soon went out leaving you and him in complete darkness.

As you stay there scared, you suddenly hear “I’ve got an idea!” Harry randomly shouted and you heard him stand up and walk away.

After a few minutes, he still hadn’t returned so you decided to go see what he was doing. When you got into your living room you saw a bunch of candles lit and Harry moving around the living room, draping blankets over various pieces of furniture.

“Harry, what are you doing?”

“(Y/N)? Go away I’m not finished yet babe!” He said to you and you giggled walking into the kitchen to get some food to eat.

“Alright! You can come back in!” Harry called out and when you walked in, you found that he had made a whole blanket fort for the two of you.

“So what do you think?” He asked as you walked over to it.

 “I like to think of it as our home away from home.”

You gave him a kiss and walked into the fort with the bundle of food that you were carrying. From inside, you watched Harry walk around blowing out all of the candles and then you heard him crawl in to join you.

“Now you don’t have to be afraid of the storm babe since I made you the best home in the whole world!” Harry said cutely, smiling at you with his cute dimples showing. You giggled as you leaned forward and gave him a sweet and passionate kiss before grabbing the food that you brought and eating it.

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